Forum Post: Whether the USA China or India: "energy is going back to being money again"
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 7:51 a.m. EST by Anandi
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Greetings. It is really worth watching Richard Douthwaite on 'money supply in an energy scarce world'. Financing agriculture, food production, jobs, health care, old age care, child care or any other domestic work that women and men may want to outsource from the household, we have to regain control of the State. "Energy is going back to being money again." This is why the Indian state today for example instructed the public sector to go get as much energy outside India today. There is a direct link between greed for fossil fuels and inability to value labour power. And because we are democratic the procurement of energy from within India is becoming more and more difficult. And this whole set of questions is why Montek Singh Alhuwalia is ideologically compelled to say he is not an expert on poverty. He is ideologically compelled not to understand the relation between energy, labour and money.... In India the way out of course is a big "no" to debt financing of the State, rejection of FRMBA and direct spending of the Rupee into gram sabhas and town ward committees directly. The same in fact goes for the USA. Both in India and the USA, at the national and state level (Douthwaite addressed the state of Michigan lately). Please watch and discuss. Anandi Green Party of India October 14 2011
Don't let them say we do not have answers.