Forum Post: Where to?
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 14, 2013, 12:46 p.m. EST by mjbento
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Lattely I've seen no big changes. Sinces those (in)famous eviction orders from the park, I feel the movement was kind like clamped down.
Occupy felt disorganized but it reflected some serious social problems many of us have today: no job or a precarious one for most of us (even for those qualified, talented and educated); ruling elites away from daily sufferings (wall street vs main street); a system that prints bank notes to rescue bankrupt institutions using taxpayers funds.
Somehow I felt this is how it appears to me, or used to. I know there have been some relief campaigns and some charity action by OWS (i.e. Sandy episode). But it's not on the spotlight if you get the point.
So what to do now to get people's attention and start moving things around?
This is my opinion only.
People need to become their own leaders. Yes, OWS was leaderless. And we all know that while not having a leader wasnt a problem, the constant worrying about making sure everyone was 100% happy was damn near impossible.
Use the experience to start your own thing. See how many people you can get to a rally. Its tough. But if it wasnt, then everyone would be doing it.