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Forum Post: Where is occupy movment going to be in 6 Months?

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 5, 2011, 7:01 p.m. EST by andyfrank (2)
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One of the most frequent complaints I hear about the occupy movement is that it has no goals. Since I am not very involved with it I don't know what to answer. Where does the Occupy Movement see itself in 6 months? What about a year?



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[-] 2 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

It'll either be in Philadelphia at the National General Assembly or it'll find itself in a footnote of history.

212 days to go...

NGA NOW all roads lead to Philadelphia July 4th 2012


[-] 2 points by lonespectator (106) 13 years ago

Demand the immediate arrest and conviction of Fraudulent Crook and Goldman Sachs insider/former Treasury Chairman HENRY PAULSON!! He stole the TARP money under false pretenses and gave the money without any strings to his banking pals, and then left us with greatest debt in history!!! PAULSON is a criminal!!! OWH now!!! demand immediate arrest and conviction of HENRY PAULSON....

[-] 1 points by KnaveDave (357) 13 years ago

Indeed. One of the articles I wrote about these government transfers of public wealth to private wealth on the largest scale ever known to mankind:


and another:


--Knave Dave

[-] 1 points by ThunderclapNewman (1083) from Nanty Glo, PA 13 years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, lonespectator, but didn't Paulson have a clause written into the TARP bill that stated that none of those involved in the financial scam could be held criminally liable? Don't misunderstand - I'm as repulsed by by what happened as you. How would we now undo that portion of the TARP bill? Thanks ~ Thunderclap

[-] 2 points by lonespectator (106) 13 years ago

You are absolutely correct. But how many people know that? I believe the people need to know that this agreement was struck during a "Paulson" induced panic that forced an inconceivable clause such as this to get through with the stolen money.. He lied about what the money would be used for, and gave our tax dollars away with almost no strings attached. This money made his friends banks flush and almost immediately in the black. Ala, Huge Bonuses to his friends. Then he immediately leaves government. THIS IS A HUGE CRIME!! I believe that light should be signed on this. Have the American people tell the President and Congress we don't honor this TARP agreement, remove the protections, and throw this Bum in jail. We were lied to and mislead by fraud. The agreement is therefore null and void. This is the correct pursuit for "Occupy Wall Street" to follow!!

[-] 1 points by ThunderclapNewman (1083) from Nanty Glo, PA 13 years ago

At the risk of repeating myself as well as parroting others, lonespectator my friend, the mantra of big corporations is "Privatize gain, socialize loss."

Paulson speaking to the press on the steps of The Capitol, his voice shaking and seeming to be more nervous than a cat in a roomful of rocking chairs and claiming that "there wasn't time enough for debate and scrutiny of TARP" is an image that will haunt me for the rest of my days.

"Hangin's too good for him." That goes for the rest of those smug, self-righteous bastards, too.

Toxic assets and the run-up to them - the "reformulation" of what could constitute a AAA rating that was the result of the inmates running the assylum, as I'm sure you're well aware, lonespectator. We "trusted" the financials, but what we got in return for our trust was "Never give a sucker an even break!"

Steve Kroft of the TV program "60 Minutes" did a piece about the lack of federal prosecution of those responsible for the financial melt-down. The assistant AG was interviewed by Kroft. Not once did I hear the asst. attorney general mention the section of TARP that allows any of those responsible to go scott free. Kroft asked about possible procecutions under Sarbaines-Oxley accounting law (forgive any misspellings, please) to which the AG replied that the investigations are on-going, that a good solid case needs to be built and if that case is in fact built then procecutions will follow.

My opinion, and likely the opinion of many, is that the financials would throw so much money at defending themselves the gov't couldn't afford bringing it to trial.

If the proper controls had been implimented prior to the melt-down it's very possible none of this would be an issue now.

I heard Jeanean Garofolo once say "Deregulation equals lawlessness." ~ Thunderclap

[-] 2 points by lonespectator (106) 13 years ago

Kudos to your smart thoughts. I also believe it's been shown that the rating industry S&P and Moody's were totally asleep at the wheel. Not intentional maybe, just stupidity. Cost or not, I think I'd rather see our tax dollars used to humiliate and shame these guys than spent that money for another $700 billion bailout. We need to Occupy the White House and Congress now, and demand they prosecute these guys (particularly Henry Paulson), and pressure S%P and Moodys to clean house or eliminate them. Throw them all in jail and demand our money back!! OWH Now!!

[-] 1 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

Rip, Tear, Kill!

[-] 1 points by RedJazz43 (2757) 13 years ago

It might be bigger or it might be smaller. My hunch is if it is going to be bigger it won't do much different from what it is already doing, though I do think that occupations will have to be re-established if it is to maintain itself and grow. The occupations are crucial for a number of reasons. They are the defining characteristic of the movement. They provide a visible public space for people to go to 24 hours a day to find out about the movement. As communities they provide a model for the kind of society we would like to live in and build.

This growth process may take years. I imagine a society in which there is a GA in every community, in every neighborhood, on every bloc, in every school, in every nursing home, in every hospital, in every mental institution and drug rehabilitation center, on every military barracks, in every prison and especially in every work place. Then we can begin to reorganize society democratically from below.

[-] 1 points by April (3196) 13 years ago

If it does not get some new leadership, it will be a bunch of anarchists playing their absurd direct democracy games in a park.

Hoping that people will follow their non-sensical ideas and abandon our Representative Republic form of government in favor of direct democracy. Some of these anarchists want to end government all together. Yeah - they're the radical ones. The more moderate ones just want to up-end our entire form of government.

[-] 1 points by tr289 (916) from Chicago, IL 13 years ago

Hate to say it but it will probably be dead. I support the OWS protests but the simple fact is that most that support it are trying to force their own political agenda into the movement.

The problem is right in front of every ones face. The solution is so simple a 5 year old can figure it out yet the over whelming majority ignore it and are trying to turn this into some thing it's not.

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

In six months we will be in the streets all across America, demanding an end of the politics of division.

An end of corporate influence on our political system and policy making.

A permanent halt to the Keystone XL pipeline.

Restoration of the Postal Service.

An end of the foreclosures.

Trial and conviction for fraudulent lenders.

And an end to Repelican Party Politics.

[-] 1 points by andyfrank (2) 13 years ago


[-] 2 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

How? HOW?

How can you ask HOW? when OW is already in the streets,


and forcing the empires of American enterprise to tremble before the lucid articulation of our rage!

Their rigid structures of words set in the concrete of paper and ink; of steel minds set in the belief that they can steal upon whim and face no consequence - these structures cannot long stand against the trembling that rocks their very foundations!

Cracks appear overnight!

The facade crumbles and peels away! Revealing beneath that surface a tumult of rank pestilence, writhing rot and decay! A pustulent infection most foul and unwholesome!

We will attack the concrete of their words set on paper!

We will torch the steel of their systems of belief that would steal!

We will render unto them such just compensation as their deeds will allow!

how indeed . . . .

how is that for a how . . .

[-] 1 points by elephant (19) 13 years ago

which one of the occupy movements are you referring to? the one in Paris? Sidney? London? los angles ? NYC ? Cairo? Jerusalem? each one has its own leaders ! many leaders in each location. Its strange that this movement began, within the same month, in hundreds of city's, spread across the planet. non violent training page http://tinyurl.com/6lkzgbk

[-] 1 points by andyfrank (2) 13 years ago

I am referring to American one.




[-] 0 points by DunkiDonut2 (-108) 13 years ago

They will spend months trying to occupy an empty warehouse somewhere and praise their reward.