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Forum Post: Where is My house C/O !!! Town Zoning Board Corruption

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 10:14 p.m. EST by weina (1)
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Whom May it Concern, My name is Weina Zhong. I went to the Town of Babylon Zoning Board met the Town Attorney Mrs. Afreen Rizwan, She told me that she is going to sent me a rejection letter for my C/O application for a house that I purchased April, 2011. I asked her what will happen, she said that I have two choices, I have to condemned the house or go to court for Article 78.

I am so depressed. Someone in the Town told me that I should contact the previous owner and see if they have a C/O. because the house has a several rental permit already.(Must have a C/O to be able apply for a rental permit). So we contacted one of the previous owners, he owned 50 Lake Drive, Wyandanch, NY in 1999. Also, he has the Receipt for a payment paid by a check for $50 for one Cert C/O for 50 Lake Drive, Dated on August 10, 2000. He said that the house was built before the building Zone Ordinance which was adopted July 23, 1931. No Building Permit or Certificate of Occupancy was issued prior to this date. GOD HELP US!!!, I met good people helped us. How can the town doesn't have the record made on August 10, 2000. WHERE ARE THE RECORDS????

I would like to have media to interview me. I can be reached at z_w_na@hotmail.com Regards, Weina Zhong



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by weina (1) 13 years ago

I went to town of babylon building department after I bought the house to apply for a rental permit. They told me that I need a C/O for house built 1942 (The town said, which is incorrect, the house built 1920s as previous owner said). they give me a list what I have to do. it is very costly, but I did. I did a set of plan for the house. I did applied the building permit, Paid fee. I did electrical underwriter's Certificate. Paid fee I did get a License and Insured plumber filed the permit. Paid fee I did get a License and Insured Cesspool company checked the Cesspool. Paid fee Then they didn't prove me. because the house built 1942, it doesn't meet the current building code. because the lot is 40x122. it doesn't met the front and side yard requirement. (the house has no violations, it has changed 7 owners since 1942, property tax paid up to date). surround the property are empty lots since 1942, it hasn't build anything since 1942. it is owned by a developer, the developer builds Affordable homes for the town. it has lots of houses built 40x100 lot in that area in 1940-1960's. I can list all their address from MLS listing.

I paid $300.00 application fee to go zoning board for a variance. I did. At the hearing, Board member Mr. John Farrell asking me if I want to purchase the land surround me to meet the current land code. I said" I don't have the money, I am here for getting a C/O," then Mr. Collen Farrell question me:" do you want to sell or rent". I want to get a rental permit. then Mr. John Farrell ask me: " are you going to flip the property?" I ask" what is flip means", my husband explain to me in the court hearing means " it is a quick sale". I said to him "No". I already paid the rental permit fee, and it is passed the rental inspection too.