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Forum Post: Where is everyone?!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 10:53 a.m. EST by NotRichEnough (18)
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Did everyone go home?



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[-] 2 points by LoveIsAll (24) 13 years ago

I'm here. Keep going.

[-] 1 points by holmrule (0) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

must be the season of the troll.....

[-] 0 points by flang23 (47) 13 years ago

Next up: Fox News, 1211 Broadway on Monday.


[-] 1 points by flang23 (47) 13 years ago

Not if I'm outside with just a few signs rocky99.

[-] 0 points by BillyD (6) 13 years ago

Rofl! They'll be whining for mommy.

[-] 0 points by NotRichEnough (18) 13 years ago

OK, seriously... where the heck is everyone?

[-] -1 points by Human (23) 13 years ago

It sounds to me like there are a bunch of scared, whiney boys on here, who have nothing to offer but nut sack oil. If you love the corporate rapists so well, set up your own site, where you can compare the size of you dicks, which sounds about equivalent to your collective IQ. if you like getting trampled, lay down and appease your masters. Maybe you are truly scared that actual patriots do exist. They stand against the corruption and greed you seem to worship. Dirty, filthy ass kissers. Get a soul!

[-] 1 points by Restorefreedomtoall1776 (272) from Bayonne, NJ 13 years ago

YOU really have a soul? One might ask what kind of soul?

[-] 0 points by Hippiesruseless (10) 13 years ago

The only thing I'm scared of is you're creepy reference to boys nut sack oil. Human you're a weirdo and that's the bottom line no one cares what u think and never will creepo

[-] -1 points by rayl (1007) 13 years ago

whining is a very nobel endeavor, Hippiesruseless, and you do it so well. keep up the good work!!!

[-] 2 points by Hippiesruseless (10) 13 years ago

Hahaha. Funny. Do you not realize this website and ur whole "movement " is nothing more than whining ! You guys crack me up.

[-] 0 points by rayl (1007) 13 years ago

far from it little friend. if it wasn't important you wouldn't be posting here now would you? lol!! you are great! troll la lol la lol!!!!

[-] 2 points by Hippiesruseless (10) 13 years ago

Just bored that's all really. Fantasy football cam only get u so far and your posts make me laugh so why not

[-] 0 points by rayl (1007) 13 years ago

nice excuse, but not very convincing, lol!!!

[+] -4 points by Hippiesruseless (10) 13 years ago

This people are the drudges of society and want everything for free. they are overgrown children and absolute idiots their list of demands is hysterical! Should be written in crayon. They should add " every person gets a snack pack and milk after lunch" God those demands are absolutely retarded, like them! They all dont deserve to even be in this country for their pure stupidity. "Immediate debt forgiveness for all." AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. A.K.A I AM LAZY , WHAT LOSERS ! and anyone that sides with them is a complete idiot too!

[-] 2 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

And you, up there in your big head,think you are so great when you really are the biggest of dumbshits..You actually support,printing counterfeit trillions,bailing out and giving bonuses to the very ones who bankrupted the world economy..Other charges include bribery,extortion,concealing and witholding evidence..High Treason is the charge, Punishable by Death, are you ready for your place at the gallows..Fake Money, Fake Debt, Fake People telling fake stories,so they can maintain fake status.

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

so what is your plan? the republic is the only thing we know. some one has to be there to write the laws, and the only way the laws will be written properly is if all parties negotiate. no?

[-] 1 points by jimmycrackerson (940) from Blackfoot, ID 13 years ago

True that!


[-] 1 points by Hippiesruseless (10) 13 years ago

Thanks Jimmy what an idiot right? Get a job I think he's such upset someoneput him in the locker in high school and now blames the world

[-] -1 points by Hippiesruseless (10) 13 years ago

Wait I thought the death penalty being abolished was one of ur demands... Ohhh hahahahahha once again u idiota prove yourself the inferior people u are wasting ur time on a useless movement that u will get nowhere on u don't even know what u want u just told me crimes were punishable ny death but u want the death penalty out what an idiot! No wonder u don't have a job besides co creating a stupid website !

[-] 3 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

That is the way is written in the constitution, I don't want to execute them, just take their money away from them so they can stop this finacial terrorism..

[-] -1 points by Hippiesruseless (10) 13 years ago

U were very clear when u said " are u ready for your place at the gallows" stand by what u said coward. Ur a hypocrite ur cause is stupid and none of u know what ur even fighting for . Quit draining the economy with ur nonsense get a job and be productive . Or move to another country !

[-] 2 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

I own a business,I have a job..I own my house as well..I am fed up with corruption in gov., the market, the Federal reserve, bought and paid for supreme court and congress..Corpocracy the marriage of corporations and elected representatives,back room deals,cover-ups,blackmail,bribery,extortion,Counterfeiting trillions of fake dollars,backed by no goods or services..Fake Money Fake Debt..Cancel the Fake debt..Treason..bailing out and giving bonuses to the very ones who bankrupted the world economy, High Treason, Sticking the U.s. taxpayers with the bill at 5%..Extortion, High Treason..

[-] 2 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

Thats what the constitution says, not me

[-] 1 points by unimportant (716) 13 years ago

"This people are"

Well spoken.

[-] 0 points by LoveIsAll (24) 13 years ago

No one is useless. Never offend yourself by putting someone down, you do not become smarter, stronger, more privileged by insults. I love you man (or woman) I don't know anything about you. I still love you.

[-] 0 points by bre0001 (50) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Did anyone listen to John stewart's show where one of his reporters interviewed some protesters? Funniest thing ever. I would like to say these people are as dumb as rocks but I don't want to give rocks a bad image.


[-] -1 points by unimportant (716) 13 years ago

Another well spoken winger "people are as dumbs as rocks".

[-] 1 points by bre0001 (50) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago