Forum Post: Where in the hell are the donations going?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 2:36 a.m. EST by EndTheFedNow
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And who is accounting for them? The information should be published here, updated daily, with detailed information of where every cent is allocated.
I hate to say this... I think the OWS movement started out as a prank. I wouldn't donate money to it online. If you want to donate bring tents, food, sleeping bags, medical supplies and anything else you can think of to your local Occupy movement and donate directly to the people out there protesting. The people that need it.
Someone is...
New facebook page devoted only to removing money from politics. No parties, no other issues.
Make comments on the wall. Like other comments that Maybe a combination of the most well liked ideas put together can lead to greater numbers. In great numbers there is great influence.
Help it grow...
Agree with you, 100 percent.
Does that mean that it will happen? Nope.
Best wishes,
The Boogieman