Forum Post: Where do the BILLIONS come from?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 12:38 a.m. EST by HitGirl
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
So many of the elites are becoming billionaires (403 in the US). Is anybody else wondering if the FED hasn't expanded the money supply just to feed the bottomless greed of the elites? It is a truly scary thought when you consider the damage it could do.
Scariest is that they used to print money to buy their oil until they starting using guns to rob kill and steal it..
It's also coming from us in many ways. Here are just a few:
1) The billionaires gamble on commodities such as food and oil which drives up the prices we pay.
2) They convince society to do away with pensions and give us 401Ks that they can skim money off of.
3) They convince government (via money=speech Supreme Court rulings) to pass legislation to deregulate credit card interest rates so that they can charge us interest rates that would have once landed them in jail.
4) They convince government to remove road-blocks to moving our jobs overseas so that we have to compete for our wages with people who make pennies an hour.
5) They convince government to crush unions and eliminate minimum wages which set the "floor" on wages so that everybody's wages go down.
6) They de-regulate banks so that they can gamble with our mortgages which drives up the cost of housing, causing us to buy houses at the top of the bubble where they're overpriced. Then the bubble collapses and they change the bankruptcy laws making it harder to write off (or down) the price of our house when we get underwater.
I have a lot more but that's enough for now. I'll think of the others and write them all down and post them one of these days when I have more time.
They treat like monopoly money while Americans with little children go homeless and hungry. It makes me so angry!
This isn't an if it has happened all ready and will happen again if we can't get it together. We must awaken people without scaring them. Our one demand, as I believe that is all we can afford has to be: Amend the Constitution for government ONLY financing of elections, no contributions, from anyone; rendering Citizens United a moot point. It’s the only piece of this that resonates with the anti-establishment left, the anti-establishment right and everyone in between. Including many who make 350k+ believe me its great to make that kind of money but that doesn't mean you want to spend it on some one's (or even your own) campaign where the mega-corps and uber-unions are going to drown you out anyway. The shear fear of this movement uniting and growing, immune to their false discourse would so scare the shit out of them they'd probably start proactively trying to appease us. Wouldn't that be nice? Oh, and its spin-proof. The logical contortions involved in trying to spin this would only push people to us.
That's what I thought but I wanted to here it from somebody else. And yes, public financing would pretty much solve the problem.