Forum Post: Where did Girl Friday Go
Posted 12 years ago on Aug. 8, 2012, 1:04 a.m. EST by Dgoerz
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Where in the heck is that greatd poster, Girl Friday.
She was possessed by Thrassy.
She's working for the Obama campaign like me.
Time to focus and maximize the effort.
The rubber is hitting the road. With Obama back in we can make positive progress. If Mittens gets in we'll be fighting to get back to square one after losing precious ground. Within his first week in, Mittney will curse this movement as he has previously.
Come Together NOW
Just a thought.
he hasn't stopped the bombings
That's true, but a non-starter. Your whistling Dixie in gale force winds.
Good Luck. I'm against killing for peace myself. But I direct my energy in a direction where I may make some ground.
The ANTI-War Movement got thrown some chewy tasty bones. Then came nap time. The drone war isn't going spark that slumbering movement awake. Sure there's the die-hards, I'm one. I'm afraid we have to wait for the next ficassco and see if we repeat our past better than we did the last time. You do see the pattern don't you. Don't worry, I have a healthy skepticism, it keeps me with an eye on reality, false expectations are not only downers, they have to be reconciled with your world view since the predictions aren't working. Sadly, I have seen the direction this planet is taking and have seen it for a long long time. In this case, I don't want to be right. But, probabilities, human nature and the fragile nature of our world, put us in peril. We saw this coming for a long time. The signs were always there. Not only do we constantly repeat history, our history is devouring and polluting everything we are, as we destroy our home, the planet earth. We're not reversing, we have put the pedal to the metal.
Come Together NOW
people have been dropping bombs from a distance since ww 2
drones are no different
It always much more palatable that way. The more we dehumanize the enemy the easier it is to eradicate them like rats. It's a science.
the mainstream media and paid politicians have brainwashed a lot of Americans into thinking high levels of civilian deaths per targeted kill is acceptable.
As long as it's someone's the human quality that allows all of us to get over it. Deju Voo Doo. We've had our hand in this till for long long time. And in modern times as our hatred grew and we desired to kill in a frenzies on scale never seen, it's naturally escalated.
We have found the enemy. It is US Welcome to the human being club. We love you lots, until we don't, then we kill you.
A well established pattern. Ever get angry???
Come Together NOW
did you watch that ken burns special on ww 2 matt? was really fine.
Grave Of The Fireflies : Original Trailer /english
You are mixed up beyond belief, you brainwashed, low brow, foolish lemming. Obama is destroying this country.
This open(?) minded fellow seems to have left the door open for too long - now he has lost his mind.
Very nice - you did offer to interpret for him didn't you? {:-])
I suppose that is possible - but this one is not so damned depressing at least.
just cant believe your sober
I am hurt ..thought you cared about me :)
Trying for an open mind, Really-y-y try-y-y-ing
If coherent thoughts were like marbles,
Your Open Mind has lost all it's marbles.
Now, did you forget to wear your secret decoder ring?
Maybe that's what it is, your encrypting your pearls of wisdom because you lost your secret decoder ring. We await your infinite gauging of the wild wonders of our Universe as you reveal them to us after you find your blessed ring of wonderful deciphering.
Come Together NOW
what a pathetic choice. Anyway bottom line is America will get the Pres it deserves
Obama is a lock. He's not going anywhere. You are endorsing Wall St's fav puppet.
Promises to hold Wall Street accountable... justice department makes zero arrests and lets Goldman Sachs off the hook.
Promises to end the wars. Bombs more countries than when he first took office... 4 year later still in Afghanistan... Private mercenaries still in Iraq. KBR and Halliburton still making huge profits from the wars. Record profits for Halliburton.
What's funny is how ridiculous republicans are. They claim to not like Obama yet a republican majority congress has yet to pass legislation to impeach Obama.
Just like when a democrat majority congress failed to impeach Bush. But apparently no one pays attention to war crimes and impeachment.
Pay no attention to the woman running for president that got arrested for protesting fraudulent home foreclosures.
Pay no attention to the congressmen that are running for office that aren't funded enough to afford to be on your tv.
Pay no attention to anyone that is not directly funded by the banks and corporations you protest.
She is on holiday.Today she 's having her nails done and then lunch with a close person.When I last talked to her she needed a rest and wanted to do some lite reading.She will be back and I am expecting to talk with her on 9/17/2012.I will be the one in the Gambler hat,she will be the one raising Hell.
only a jackAss such as yourself has hooves.
the jackass,........symbol of the democrat party. how appropriate. sorry to dissapoint but i am not a dem.
She was chased away by libe(R)tarian loonies!
just be happy it's quiet. don't summon her back.
Don't you dare state your support of Obama! Charlie & David will spank you And posters here will be post hysterical complaints
I do not know - but I hope she will return. Her computer died and she was logging in when she could. I hope to see her here again.
You realize she is part of the 1%. She works on Wall Street.