Forum Post: Where Are The Communities of the Children of Slaves?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 1:30 p.m. EST by truthtalker
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
An Observation on the Direction of this Movement:
Wall Street was built by enslaved Africans. Enslaved Africans were the first commodities sold on Wall Street, along with the resources absconded from their lands. The first "corporations" were plantation owners whose wealth from the commodities enslaved Africans produced, laid the economic foundation for the U.S. and Europe.
Africa's precious mineral and oil resources are still a significant source of Europe's and America's wealth, yet her children are poor, dying and diseased through instigated ethnic wars, planned genocide, IMF exploitation, and bio-and economic terrorist from the West.
The descendants of the enslaved Africans have been fighting an unending battle against institutionalized/systemic racism, discrimination and oppression, that was designed to weld them permanently at the very bottom of the economic, social and cultural ladder in America. This was achieved with the active support and cooperation of the white middle class.
Today, corporate entities such as CCA the prison industrial complex, are re-enslaving millions of poor blacks and other minorities in their for profit prisons, where their incarceration and labor is outsourced for even bigger profits.
Black and Latina families have been ravished, and their communities suffer the highest unemployment, home foreclosures, multi-generational poverty, HIV, school drop-out, police murder and brutality etc., in this nation. Yet there is no effort to either address these issues, or include these communities as significant members in these protests.
The organizers of these "OccupyMovements" claim that they are modeling their protests after the recent "Arab Spring" in Egypt, yet ignores the fact that the "Arab Spring" protestors admittedly model their movement after Martin Luther King.
If the white middle class youth, out protesting on Wall Street, make the same mistakes as their parents, in denying and not addressing the historically entrenched injustices in this nation, and fail at actively welcoming and including the communities of color, this movement will fail.
The hypocrisy of their cries of "justice and freedom" will fall on death ears. The criminal banksters will continue their plans to wipe out their middle class privilege and turn them all into feudal slaves, as were their ancestors.
If you don't desire or fail to include the Black and other minority communities on any significant level within this movement, or continue to deny their dignity, I can assure you that you will meet them as your neighbors in the "high-tech cotton fields"
The choice is yours.
Because the world, through the agency of the internet is watching, those who are wanting to learn the average American reaction (see comments below), and also read more about the history of the historically oppressed underclasses in America, below are some resources to aid you:
Slavery and the Making of America
Slavery in New York--New York Historical Society:
"Slaves constructed Fort Amsterdam and its successors along the Battery. They built the wall from which Wall Street gets its name. They built the roads, the docks . . ."
New York Slave Law Summary and Record
An 18th century slave market on Wall Street
Slavery in New York: Uncovering the brutal truth
Lehman Bros. link to slavery
The Slavers of Wall Street: Investment Banks and Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
Slave Profits and the Roots of the Wealth Gap
Northern Profits From slavery
Other references:
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census, Negro Population, 1790-1915 (Washington, D.C., 1918), 29, 53.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census, (1975), Historical Statistics of the United States, (Washington, D.C.. 1975) 2:1168.
Carr, William H. A. (1964), The Duponts of Delaware, (Mead Co. 1964). Hedges, J.B. (1999), Browns of Providence Plantation, (Harvard University Press,1952).
Strouse, Jean (1999), Morgan, American Financier, (Random House NY, April 1999).
The Rittenhouse Trust Co., The Market Keeps Going, (Ibottson Associates, 2001). Robinson, Randall (2000), The Debt, (Penguin Putnam, Inc., NY, Jan 2000).
Wall Street does not support and bankers do not support slavery.
No, the first corporations were not plantation owners.
No, today's bankers are not criminal bankers.
There is no prison industrial complex.
They aren't planning, let alone continuing to plan, to wipe out the middle class.
You are so desperate for anything that you will take any isolated incident from 10 years ago and turn it into something that represents "all" persons. The ultimate strawman argument.
What do you want OWS to do, bus them in? It's not like they are being turned away at the door.
Challenging Racism, and Other -Isms, In The Occupy Wall Street Movement
Occupy Atlanta Silences Civil Rights Hero John Lewis!
Racism within Occupy WallStreet
Media Blacks Out Racism and Anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street
Google for more info.
Oh yeah, lets make this movement not only about class warfare, but also race warfare.
Check your facts douche. Africans enslaved Africans then sold them to the Europeans.
"yet her children are poor, dying and diseased though bio-and economic terrorist from the West" - This is America, not Africa, douche. We do not give a shit about their economy, we're worried about our own economy. Secondly, Africa is dying due to piss-poor management by the leaders of African countries, never-ending rise of war-lords and dictators, and rampant HIV because their own people are ignorant to basic knowledge of things such as proper sanitation and industrialization.
"an unending battle against institutionalized/systemic racism, discrimination and oppression, that was designed to weld them permanently at the very bottom of the economic, social and cultural ladder in America" - First, according to a USAToday poll, 97% of black voters voted for Obama. WHO'S THE RACIST NOW? What were they voting for? His voting record? His party affiliation? Oh wait, neither. They were voting for his skin color, which is a direct contradiction to what the black savior MLK advocated for.
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will NOT be JUDGED BY THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN, BUT BY THE CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER."
With almost half the white votes going to Obama, who's trying to kill MLK's dream now huh? Damn, black racist!
It's not the whites who are keeping the black man down. It's blacks who would rather deal drugs and spread AIDS rather than get an education and contribute to society. Its blacks who "Can't wait for my check to come in this month" and "Demand reparations from the sons, of the sons, of the sons, of somebody who might have enslaved my grand-daddy", instead of getting a taking responsibilities to take care of their own selves on their own dime. Its blacks who would rather have a hustle than get a job. This is what is "holding the black man down" not the pasty-skinned crackers who helped vote Obama into office.
As far as the prison thing goes. Stop breaking the laws and your ass won't be locked up. Prisons aren't for blacks and latinos. They are for law-breakers, and nobody feels bad for criminals.
The African American community has no more interest in Wall Street than they have in national politics. And the first corporations were not "plantation owners" but "proprietors" of places like Plymouth and Jamestown. And the slaves that laid the foundation were not black but white - the English and Irish poor died and were sold by the millions - three million were sold to the Muslims alone, and only one in ten survived in America to own property or leave descendants. In fact, the only real defining difference in colonial America was this: one was either free or one was un-free. Slavery in colonial America, whether we are speaking of NY or even Spanish Florida, was absolutely color blind. Why don't people make an effort to seek truth? Or learn our history?
Do you think the word, "Freedom," as our maxim arrived by way of some miraculous cultural fiat? It was because they knew precisely what slavery was... and how precariously all tottered on its edge.
The issue of America's slavery must be approached in an open and unbiased manner or the final vision will merely be some distorted construction, a lie unto ourselves. Be that as it may, freedom, much like slavery, arrives by way of degree.