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Forum Post: Where are the calls for a General Strike?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 3:08 a.m. EST by CDCouture (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Seriously folks - it's time to take a page from the French here.

The 1% will quickly discover that they can't function when the other 99% are absent.

It's beyond time for a general strike. I will admit that I don't know how one coordinates such things, but it's definitely time.



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[-] 1 points by gracie (16) 13 years ago

Unfortunately, it doesn't work the same way in the US as it does in France. A general strike in France implies having a large number of 'functionnaires' which we don't have. In the US, if people strike they lose their pay and/or their job. But you have the right idea - when people strike in France or elsewhere the goal is to disrupt daily business. We need to come up with other ways of doing that whether it be blocking traffic, withdrawing money from commercial banks, or convincing a large majority of the population to abstain from voting.

[-] 1 points by Madhusudana (90) 13 years ago

Most of the other contributors are right- it's not that the general strike concept is wrong, just that the timing still is at this point.

I understand your frustration though, I can't wait for the good shit to start.

[-] 1 points by wrkrcoop (2) from Olympia, WA 13 years ago

It may be a bit early for a general strike, but a union-led walkout nationwide might be useful if it were coupled with some clear demands or goals. That way, people without union protection wouldn't risk losing their jobs, and those with union protection could act in solidarity with everyone. I'm a union steward for my local, and I will definitely raise the idea with my fellow members. In the meantime, perhaps we should brainstorm a bit about what some clear demands might be.....

  • refinancing of mortgages in foreclosure to reflect their actual values ?

  • a national minimum wage of $10/hour ?

  • raising income tax rates on households earning more than $1 million a year to 45% ?

  • A ban on derivatives trading and a securities transaction tax of, say .25% on every transaction in the stock market, the proceeds of which will be set aside for any future bailouts?

Ideas, anyone? I think the point is that any general strike (or multi-union strike) needs to have some clear--and obtainable--demands that would signal the end of the strike. The time is drawing near for some large, organized action of this sort, but it must be accompanied by some specific goals/demands.

[-] 1 points by OneofBillions (22) 13 years ago

Yesterday I suggested a "99% Skip Work Day"

On April 13th, 2012 we can flex our muscles and show how strong we truly are.

The date itself has a couple storylines one can attach to it:

  1. Friday the 13th
  2. Last business day before tax day

The six month window would give time for planning and for gathering support.

[-] 1 points by rbe (687) 13 years ago

One of the best things would be to stop consuming so much unnecessary BS. Think about all the useless crap that you could learn to do without, then stop buying it. If a whole movement of people did that, people would take notice. Easy to do if people would commit to it. Maybe even come up with a budget of what people can spend a week on food. Say $25 tops, that's doable. Reuse disposable cups, reuse paper towels, etc. you get the picture. Show the big companies that we can live without the majority of stuff they sell us.

[-] 1 points by OccupyDC (153) 13 years ago

Do you even have a job?

[-] 1 points by OccupyDC (153) 13 years ago

Strike? Are you crazy?

i need my job. I actually like my job.

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 13 years ago

There are some unions involved whose work is pretty vital to the economy. I don't think the 1% would care about any strike, but the government might start to listen.

[-] 1 points by kennyrw (92) from Salem, OR 13 years ago

The only problem is you are not truly the 99% but the 1%. I mean do you think people are missing those protesting now?

[-] 1 points by areUforREAL (13) 13 years ago

take your general strike. get fired. i need a new job or two.