Forum Post: Whenever someone asks what Occupy Wall Street is all about, show them this video
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 3:57 a.m. EST by TheGrayRace
from Philadelphia, PA
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Yes, but they couldn't do that if the system didn't allow for it. Please watch this video, I think everyone with OWS should see this:
thanks, i'll watch it. But remember that people like us atleast have a clue about what is happening. I was thinking this vid is a great start for waking up the clueless masses with something direct and simple to understand... like an 'occupy for dummies'
Sure, it's a good start... I just wish people would wake up quicker. I get so tired of seeing all the arguments on here about political parties, religion, and other things that have little to do with the progress I think we all want to make. It's frustrating...
i agree. i feel like this world needs to just mellow out for a minute, step back and ask ourselves what is really going on. we forget that we are all a part of this tinny little ball floating around in space. i want to support occupy, but so far i have avoided actually going because i don't want to get caught up in the primitive bullshit. I feel like it is more realistic to change how i live and set an example, rather than try to change everyone else. Have you been participating?
Just online, I hope to find a group where I'm at though...