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Forum Post: When the People unite to End the Fed ...

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 12:48 a.m. EST by marcxstar (167) from Los Angeles, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

... do you think:

a) the Fed will go quietly,


b) there will be blood in the streets?



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[-] 1 points by noalternative (43) 13 years ago

laws created it. laws end it. no blood or anything.

[-] 1 points by MPowers (34) 13 years ago

PS: In other words, Club Fed is dying of its own intrinsic negativity. If you doubt that, try playing Monopoly by Club Fed rules (AKA Plutonomy). For detailed instructions, go to > http://mm-greenbook.blogspot.com < See the section on Green Credit & Commonwealth & have fun! (it won't be a very long game)

[-] 1 points by MPowers (34) 13 years ago


(c) the transition will be surprisingly civil*

  • It will be pretty tame as long as we initiate a counter-active nonprofit coomunity credit system that revives & stabilizes cultural activity (the actual reality economy). The gamblers & cheats can keep gambling & cheating each other as more & more of us 99%ers switch to using more nonprofit Trust Units for the necessities of healthy sustainable cultre & modest affluence.
[-] 1 points by suzencr (102) 13 years ago

Fear is the tool they use to keep us asleep. How long do you want to stay asleep? If waking up means blood in the streets will you baa, baa, baa your way back to bed?

I don't think it has to get violent. I think it is essential that the movement remain in its essence non-violent. But we really don't know what "they" will do in reaction if we push for this. It is a risk.

Look, the truth is "they" are "us". We all have in one way or the other allowed these vampires to exist and as long as we weren't directly effected, as long as hunger was over "there", as long as wars were over "there", we didn't rattle our cages too loudly. But now it is hitting home. Now we get to find out that all the fantastic wealth we have been enjoying for the last fifty years was off the backs of every regime change the banksters funded on our behalf. We clamored for cheap goodies, and the corps delivered. We failed to see the result of this exchange with open eyes, we didn't connect the dots because then we wouldn't get to keep all our stuff. It is a painful realization.

I have to say for myself that I slept through much of it myself, and only briefly tried at times to speak of how bad it felt to know it was my government's policies that were destroying the well-being of the world.

I can't seem to keep my mouth shut any longer. We are now seeing the results of our complacency. I myself take full responsibility. And now I want to put things right. I don't want to point my finger at anyone in particular, just reverse this one decision made back in 1913 that created this blood sucking entity called the Federal Reserve and end the fiat money fractional banking system.

I think if we do this it will fix many of the other problems we are dealing with. I think it is an important place to start, otherwise it will continue.

I hope we have the guts to put things right.

[-] 0 points by suzencr (102) 13 years ago

Right now they are doing their best to obfuscate the issue, hoping we will not see the forest for the trees. If we really got focused, and insisted the FED must go.....or.......we won't pay any more federal income tax(?), now we're talking. I have proposed a motion for a collective movement dubbed #dontfile for April 15th next year. How cool would it be if 15 million people refused to file?! That would get their attention!

It only gets bloody when we back down, when we get scared, when we refuse to do what they have been doing in every other confrontation around the world.

The big question is would you die for freedom?

"As for me, give me liberty or give me death!"