Forum Post: When someone asks me what Occupy stands for, I say ________ .
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 19, 2012, 4:28 p.m. EST by jrhirsch
from Sun City, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Can you fill in the blank in as FEW words possible, clearly stating Occupy's message, leaving absolutely no doubt as to our goals to any person who might read it?
Here is one example.
"We the people deserve economic and political justice. A fair share of the wealth we help create, an equal voice in the government we elect."
Let's hear your suggestions.
Occupy doesn't believe in focusing on any one issue, so any concise summary of what Occupy stands for would be an example of Epimenides paradox.
By not declaring Occupy's intent, a greater paradox occurs. Without a goal, nothing can be attained, so why exist?
Yes, I agree. The first step toward achieving an objective is to select an objective. Obviously, since it's been a year, that's never going to happen.
The whole thing is a massive oxymoron. An organization that ideologically opposes organization. Yet another example of Epimenides paradox.
Ending the corporations' and banks' rule over our government. Then reforming our government to work for the 99% and not just the 1%.
Information dissemination.
Knowledge is power. The MSM is owned by three corporations. They specialize in infotainment. They won't tell you anything worth knowing.
Occupy stands "FOR LIFE".
And the dignity that should be inherent therein.
Yes - Thank You.
That's a little vague. Does that mean that Occupy would have wanted to keep Terri Schaivo alive? Planning to protest outside of womens' health clinics?
Protest problems but don't accept responsibility for organizing the means to solving the problems.
Very nice. How about:
Demonstrating the (in)feasibility of an alternative form of governance based on inclusion and consensus-building, through total organizational collapse due to infighting.