Forum Post: When Should a government fear it's People?
Posted 12 years ago on March 17, 2012, 1:11 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
When Should a government fear it's People? NEVER. What happens when they do ( having mis-served their population ) have reason to fear?
A snap shot of these times:
The following is an example of where communication is still open and freely expressed:
Occupy Newfoundland - An Exemplar?
You Bet!
This is what is possible where the government is not afraid of its people.
This is what is possible when the Peace Officers ( police ) actually work to maintain peace instead of support the status-quo blindly.
This is how legal protest should be conducted by both sides.
Rock-on Newfoundland !!!!!!!!!!!!
If what's claimed the first vid you linked comes to pass it would be absolutely stunning! Something unprecedented in the history of the world!
NL, I for one thank you for the words and deeds of support and solidarity, and would offer the same for you all. You fight the good fight and work to make a better world. You are truely a source of imspiration that causes a redoubling of commitment to our just cause. Bless you all!
The gov't is already in fear of the people. What other motivation could explain the passing of legislation prohibiting lawful assembly on public property? Why would constitutional rights be tossed out with the passing of laws that allow for getting rid of the legal process of due process? Arrest and unlimited detention of US citizens? Fear. Fear that we will rise up and stop this "power and money" nonsense and throw those who would do these things in jail themselves! They live in fear of losing control of us, for they already know of our dissatisfaction and disgust with how things are done. We sent the message and they heard it. If our numbers grow greater and things escalate, they'll act on their fear.
Let us hope that they retain more sanity and show more understanding of reality then say Assad. Things do not have to get ugly. They can just get better for ALL as it should be. Minimal damage on the return of government to the service of The People.
Yes, let's hope for that. Things got kind of bumpy for OWS in Manhattan last night. I'm off to look for some of those trolls and bots who keep babbling on about how Occupy is done. Wonder what they have to say NOW!
They are still talking shit. SOSDD
The police have once again given themselves a black eye.
Catch the
They are pretty awesome. Occupy Newfoundland.
That 1st film I find more interesting for it's content rather than it's prediction.
But if the prediction were to come to pass. That would be beyond awesome. It would be like a modern day actual miracle.
They surely are awsome at ONL! Great vids. Thanks, DK.
Thank you, but I can't take credit for the vids. I saw them on other posts and thought they would work well on this one.
When government is unfair people will revolt.
It's better when government fears its people so much they don't want to mess with them.
It's best if they love them. No need for fear. A formula for success.
Better the government fear the people than the people fear the government.
Best to have no reason to fear.
Government will never ever love people more than money. The rulers desire power over all else for a reason.
Syria should fear it's people. They have given the people good reason to want them gone.
Take part in making it be stopped. Petition united action to stop the killing of Syrian citizens by their government.
This is what I said what will you say?:
A Government that is not only NOT serving it's people but is actually killing them for showing dissent and discontent in the governments corruption. Needs to be put down by all who support life and justice. Criminal Governments must be ended if they can not be reformed. Crimes against humanity must not be allowed to continue.
Dear Dan,
This little boy pictured here has just lost his parents in a rocket attack. He survived, but will live without the protection of his parents. And he's not alone. Hundreds of children in Syria are killed, injured, or torn from their families as violence rages on.
This has to stop. Please sign the petition today asking the UN Security Council to help stop the killing. »
Even in the worst conflicts, we cannot let children be injured and killed. Even if children survive and their parents don't, they are forced into unfamiliar and unstable situations, and they are no more safe than before they were in the middle of the violence.
Yesterday marked one year of unrest in Syria. We can't let this madness go on for another year.
We can stop the killing in Syria, but only if the world stands up and takes notice. Ask the UN Security Council to demand full humanitarian access and pass a resolution for an end to the killing in Syria. » Thank you for taking action!
Emily L. Care2 Campaign Team
not until you fix the problems here. nobody cares what is going on in the middle east when they have NO JOBS, you cannot fix those people.. look at eqypt look at lybia they just trade one killer leader for another. never learning never changing. theres a lot more important things happening right here .. the news coverage of the killing is just to distract you from what your own government is doing to destroy your freedoms
Not true.