Forum Post: When does our paramilitary force understand its not ok to go after unarmed citizens?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 12:10 a.m. EST by jdiddley
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Lets take the mantra of the Buddhists who decree that nothing is permanent mr banker
Lets get these people off the streets and into these flats.
You think, oh no, they may put a hole, so lets drill 5 more and put in 5 deadbolts and let no one in the home.
A place that forbids sleeping, may as well be a place without thinking.
It doesn't take long to figure out quick, that 100s, if not thousands you are the biggest hypocrytes.
Lets take this from Fannie May and Freddie Mac, US bank, State Farm and the rest of the herd.
Lets get real about wall street and make it their problem, then we'll be heard
Those houses you built and charged us lots for when in fact, all the while we got your back while you are building them for nothing!
We bailed you out and watched you make your sick profits
again while you have the nerve to say that you aren't the 1% percenters.
yea. The ones who had a joy ride while creating a bubble.
Tenderloin and lobster was just for the poor new boys.
You turned the american dream around on all of us
something that we thought that even in you we could trust
We paid for the houses while you spanked us with taking our salaries
then you turn around fire us, kick us out, and call us stupid losers for making you wealthier
Lets bring this to the streets and make this real for wall street
Were taking our houses back, too big to fail?
Lets take our houses and our towns back. A vacant house a new flat
Whatcha goign to do when the police dont give you a call back and realize, oh crap
were taking it out on the wrong people at that?!
Too big to fail. You know whats too big to fail? all the people who lost their mortgages due to inflated prices that we are still paying. Want to make change? lets turn this around on them and take back our houses. Once they sell them to another party, well agree to leave, but part of that money you cheated us out of should be coming back to us. 20k per house. Time to make our own rules. Its election time. Time to rewrite some laws that favor the people. We've got more crap to "make our lives better", so why are we not able to work less and take more like you feel you can? we should be working 30 hour weeks, enjoying the profits from the oil that is taken from OUR earth, making robots to do our jobs. If these things are really ours, and made in that light, why are we all scraping along for some benefits and our electric lights?
I didn't understand the body of the post but I'll answer your subject line, the one that appears unrelated. Our right to peacefully assemble stands until it infringes upon the right of someone else. Examples: we occupy a public space, but when we do, that keeps other members of the public from enjoying it. We're getting away with this one, so far so good because that's actually our 'protest' and they are letting us have our message of occupy, even if it means we are taking the rights away of moms with kids who want to use the park to play in. Next example: all the ows fringes shouting for violence, drumming till 4 am, blocking businesses and trafficways. These that we want to do, they are not intrinsic to our message, so now we're infringing on others' rights. So now we get to answer to the uniforms coming to protect THOSE peoples rights to drive in the road, get a good nights sleep, have their businesses open. So we get mad. We throw a bottle, then they get to arrest. We 'march on' city hall and block traffic, they get to tell us to move and if we don't, they get to arrest. And, this is the kicker, they get to protect themselves. That means helmets and all that uniform stuff making them look like boba fett. Because you and I we see it, there are FRINGES hanging on here that want the violence, preach the violence and probably ARE armed, we don't know and boba fetts dont know if they are or arent. So Boba Fetts don't want to injure us, so they use the lite stuff, tear gas and rubber bullets to get us to comply and stop throwing rocks. You cant expect any different. The only thing that will keep us expanding is NON VIOLENCE people. We will lose our message to the apathies of ridicule and contempt if we can't keep peaceable. That means shutting up the drums so other people can sleep, that means not blocking traffic, that means not blocking street corner businesses, that means not shitting and pissing in public view. We need the majority to come into our message with us, and we will lose all hope of expanding our message and getting them if we don't get it together. The police are the 99%. Don't punch them in the face, dont throw a rock, get arrested when they come, and then go to court and come back to the parks. We're here for a message right, not violence? I thought so, stay with me here.
I agree that the police are the 99%. I think they will be sad when they realized what they've done under the false pretense of security, safety and public health. We are not and should not be in the business of letting this happen as citizens. I do not want to be violent or have any of the violenc hapen at the ptests, in fact I think the protesters are incredible for doing this, I still try to find a job so that I can make sure that I can make a living. I am sorry you go the impression that I want to create violence. I just think that is what is fair is fair. Make the local chief, which is who we are getting into with this as they are local police dealing in a lot of cases of inter-state commerce and we are paying for it. If they were not being paid to kick people out of houses that would never have been occupied legally due to the rock, if they want to kick people out of housing, let the federal government do that since that is where they are coming from. This is not an issue at the states as you pointed out, the police are the 99%. I would like to see our communities come together and fight at a point where we can, where our local sheriffs open up their hearts and minds to remember they are there to protect the community against all things bad, including an out of control government, stated very clearly in the 2nd amendment where all states should have a militia ready army to fight against the federal government when they get crazy. I am not expressing the thought that we should go after police, we know they need some time to figure it out for themselves, and thank goodness they usually do, so I'm advocating that its going to take our local police departments to choose to uphold what should be doing or what they will leave to the state level cops that are less trained to have the feelings they want to be the "top cop".
I agree with you 100% and would never express violence against these rogue cops. that was a pretty intense view when they threw that flash bang. Hopefully there is not a lot of ear damage overall as that can really ruin your hearing if your in the middle of that. Getting hit by a gas canister and then having a flashbang go off on the guys chest, its surprising he is alive. My simple question will be my overall question..... what else its going to take to get everyone out there. on the street, teabaggers, republicans, democrats, a new party, and this? Its terrible that we need to take on the overgrown rules of having to have a permit to gather or camp on public property. It would cost less than 1 days police work to ]work and coordinate some toilet service if that is what they are fighting about. As a society that is built on debate, trust and argument, why are we regressing into the samve overfly missions that are going on?
What about the unmanned drones circling overhead?
I agree that the police are the 99%. I think they will be sad when they realized what they've done under the false pretense of security, safety and public health. We are not and should not be in the business of letting this happen as citizens. I do not want to be violent or have any of the violenc hapen at the ptests, in fact I think the protesters are incredible for doing this, I still try to find a job so that I can make sure that I can make a living. I am sorry you go the impression that I want to create violence. I just think that is what is fair is fair. Make the local chief, which is who we are getting into with this as they are local police dealing in a lot of cases of inter-state commerce and we are paying for it. If they were not being paid to kick people out of houses that would never have been occupied legally due to the rock, if they want to kick people out of housing, let the federal government do that since that is where they are coming from. This is not an issue at the states as you pointed out, the police are the 99%. I would like to see our communities come together and fight at a point where we can, where our local sheriffs open up their hearts and minds to remember they are there to protect the community against all things bad, including an out of control government, stated very clearly in the 2nd amendment where all states should have a militia ready army to fight against the federal government when they get crazy. I am not expressing the thought that we should go after police, we know they need some time to figure it out for themselves, and thank goodness they usually do, so I'm advocating that its going to take our local police departments to choose to uphold what should be doing or what they will leave to the state level cops that are less trained to have the feelings they want to be the "top cop".
I agree with you 100% and would never express violence against these rogue cops. that was a pretty intense view when they threw that flash bang. Hopefully there is not a lot of ear damage overall as that can really ruin your hearing if your in the middle of that. Getting hit by a gas canister and then having a flashbang go off on the guys chest, its surprising he is alive. My simple question will be my overall question..... what else its going to take to get everyone out there. on the street, teabaggers, republicans, democrats, a new party, and this? Its terrible that we need to take on the overgrown rules of having to have a permit to gather or camp on public property. It would cost less than 1 days police work to ]work and coordinate some toilet service if that is what they are fighting about. As a society that is built on debate, trust and argument, why are we regressing into the samve overfly missions that are going on?
What about the unmanned drones circling overhead?
Remember we are in our infancy and many do not yet understand the message. If we break all bridges with police officers now, we could set ourselves a harder mission. If we get their unions if we bring them to understand, we would have a very very easy piece of cake walk in doing what we want to do. Until the REST of the 99% understands and gets behind us, they are fearful of losing their jobs, upsetting the boat (for example only 5% of workers stayed home in Oakland for the strike) and will take time to understand, then join. It should not be 'either you are for us or against us!' but 'If you listen to what I have to say and see what is happening, I know you will be for us." Give ALL the people some time, for crying out loud, to hear, to hear again, to understand. Keep repeating till they do. The day we make friends with the cops and work with understanding, is the day they come on our side of the barricade.