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Forum Post: When asked to vacate you should..

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 12:28 p.m. EST by Rob (881)
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a) agree, and ask for time to vacate, then re-congregate later b)resist knowing that it will escalate and all the videos will be cleverly edited to show only 1 side of the story.

What do civilized people do?



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[-] 1 points by Frustrated39 (75) 13 years ago

Obviously A. While it may feel like you are 'doing something' by getting arrested, just know that the more violence that comes of these protests, the more you lose the rest of us 99%.

Those of us who have 'Occupations' in our cities have noticed a lot of verbal abuse spewed not only to police and law enforcement, but to customers who frequent establishments you don't like. So when we see news reports about violence, our natural inclination is not to think that this was a peaceful protest that was provoked by the police.

That's where you lose us. I've seen more than one post calling for violence (or at least not ruling it out). While this may not typify everyone in the movement, you should realize that every movement is only as peaceful or well-intentioned as it's most extreme members.