Forum Post: What's Your Favorite Occupy Initiative?
Posted 11 years ago on Nov. 27, 2013, 6:49 p.m. EST by darmand
from Williamsport, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I like the Rolling Jubilee. Some like Occupy Sandy.
What about you? Which one do you think is most worthwhile and how much are you willing to give in donations?
I like those too, and was kind of astounded that no one noticed this wonderful talk on Occupy Sandy.
I think too, that although it isn't fully formed yet, Occucard is a great idea.
Occucard is nice. Just wish they had another name. Too close to Occutard and I'm tired of being called that.
Those people disappear quickly around here. So it's safe.
For now.............................:)
Alright. Cool! Keep up the good work. Good to keep those trolls out. Forums are better with fewer users anyhow.