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Forum Post: whats the next step?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 9, 2011, 5:50 p.m. EST by cappylr (10)
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I totally agree with the wallstreet movement however I am more concerned with somthing more than holding a sign and want to know what happens when the powers that be dont change. I believe they are waiting us out because they have all the power in their favor. they can literally starve us out because they know we have to take the crumbs they offer or end up on the streets with no where to go. So when the next election comes up with the same old two party baloney that satrted this whole mess what happens next? I was raised to believe in capitolisim and thought socialism was horrendous but after seeing 50 years of people who are much smarter than I am get screwed by system I am starting to wonder how competition and beating the other guy is in the best interest of all concerned. I always thought if you worked hard good things would happen but in my experience it only meant the people I worked for got the rewards. Its seems that so many of us are the working poor making just enough to pay the rent and go back to work then told if you dont like it go somewhere else...well I have many times and the system is the same everywhere I dont blame the companies or my bosses they are just playing the game by the rules...I guess I go with the saying dont hate the player hate the game. Thats why I support the movement the rules need to change for fairness to all..if you want to be the next Donald Trump more power to ya but give us a fair wage so we dont have to live to work we can work to live.



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[-] 1 points by cappylr (10) 13 years ago

I appreciate the comments I was thinking I was edited out but it seems my computer has issues ans was able to find my post once i logged on to another computer. So does any one know what the next step will be or are we hoping to get our message across by simply holding signs up in the street?

[-] 1 points by humanitydiscussion (51) 13 years ago

Only one idea more basic than the other can defeat the other.

[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

Zero-sum games are idiocy. Only competition with one's self can truly measure one's own worth. No one is inherently "better" than someone else - only different. Socialism has a bad connotation to some because 1. The capitalists want ultimate power to rule as in neo-feudalism: giving front line workers and low-level management just enough to get by but not enough to found their own endeavour, unless such endeavour is completely in line with the game they want you to play. and

  1. Groups like the NAZIs co-opted socialst parties and turned them into horrible things. However, historically, the movements that became facists were all fringe right-wingers. The idea of dirty hippies who need to get a job and work hard to get ahead is simply a talking point that certain political parties feed to their sheep so it will be regurgitated as truth. It is not. We know it is not. We know that if fairness ruled the day, people would work their asses off for their families and for the future of this country. he truth is that the Owners have become so distanced from what is real, that they feel they are entitled to do whatever they want with your life in the name of their business interests and political machinations. The truth is that business is a relationship between someone with capital who requires help, and workers who require money for a living. It's circular, not one sided. Publicly funded elections seems to be an answer to getting money out of politics. I would support litigation against the maestros behind the sub-prime mortgage fiasco and the subsequent bailout fraud with the Wall Street bankers, as well as laws to change the limits of congressional pay and terms and what they are allowed to do as far as lobbyism is concerned. The voices have been heard. Solutions now need to be thrown out into the air - collected - and boiled down to be a list of OWS objectives.
[-] 1 points by MadProfit (312) 13 years ago

Zero-sum games are idiocy. Only competition with one's self can truly measure one's own worth. No one is inherently "better" than someone else - only different. Socialism has a bad connotation to some because 1. The capitalists want ultimate power to rule as in neo-feudalism: giving front line workers and low-level management just enough to get by but not enough to found their own endeavour, unless such endeavour is completely in line with the game they want you to play. and

  1. Groups like the NAZIs co-opted socialst parties and turned them into horrible things. However, historically, the movements that became facists were all fringe right-wingers. The idea of dirty hippies who need to get a job and work hard to get ahead is simply a talking point that certain political parties feed to their sheep so it will be regurgitated as truth. It is not. We know it is not. We know that if fairness ruled the day, people would work their asses off for their families and for the future of this country. he truth is that the Owners have become so distanced from what is real, that they feel they are entitled to do whatever they want with your life in the name of their business interests and political machinations. The truth is that business is a relationship between someone with capital who requires help, and workers who require money for a living. It's circular, not one sided. Publicly funded elections seems to be an answer to getting money out of politics. I would support litigation against the maestros behind the sub-prime mortgage fiasco and the subsequent bailout fraud with the Wall Street bankers, as well as laws to change the limits of congressional pay and terms and what they are allowed to do as far as lobbyism is concerned. The voices have been heard. Solutions now need to be thrown out into the air - collected - and boiled down to be a list of OWS objectives.