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Forum Post: What's the Endgame? THEY are waiting for you to give up!!!!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 2:25 a.m. EST by deloprator20000 (9)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It's great that OWS has created a worldwide movement, but what is the endgame?

OWS has succeeded in one thing, showing that the mainstream media IGNORES important stories, as much as I care for the death of Michael Jackson is it really necessary to run the trial of the doctor 24hrs a day on HLN? Almost every mainstream media outlet has ignored your protests.

I don't believe they (the governing elite) see you guys as a threat, they believe they have all the resources and control over media to wait you guys out. They just keep on ignoring your protests long enough until most of the people give up.

So define an endgame, a systematic series of beliefs, a philosophy if you will and don't give up!!!!!!!!



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[-] 1 points by nelson1130 (1) 13 years ago

To OWS...They are coming with negotiations and compromises,(the olive branch) and praising how you stood up to the big bad bully...(I'm talking about those who support the bully) but this is far short of the goal. Do not let the media (no matter what media it is MSM or ALT.), organizations, politicians, entertainers or any other entities that do not agree with the leaderless message dictate the movement. Being leaderless is what they cannot comprehend. Being leaderless is what makes this moment special unlike no other. That is why those against OWS are confused. Make no agreements with anyone as far as the movement is concerned. Change the world from the grassroots level (i.e. 1.True energy freedom, not this Jurassic or alt. energy bullshit. 2.Cures for all diseases, not remedies for symptoms. 3.New Transportation Technology, cars and airplanes suck; try teleporting- its been tested and works. 4.Extraterrestrial disclosure, the government knows they exist. 5.Stop destroying our planet and spraying chemtrails in the atmosphere. 6.Complete debt forgiveness for everyone 7.Removal of government at all levels-I want a world where my grandchild will ask me, " WHAT IS A PRESIDENT?" ). Make all people inclusive, all external organization motives are irrelevant. Please, Please, Please Do not be compromised, Do not give in, Do not give up. See this thru till the end. You have re-evolution on your side ..Screw the rest. LOVE

[-] 1 points by IndenturedNation (118) 13 years ago

OK, here is the situation: The entrenched powers are no longer popular. The Republicans and Democrats are proxy lobbyists masquerading as political parties, No one knows how to deal with this. I guess since OWS is not a political party, if someone running for office wishes to identify with the movement they would have to run as an independent. Perhaps that is what we need, to reject organized political parties and only vote for independent candidates. If the 99% did that, it would be game over for the iron fist of the 1%.

[-] 1 points by anotherone773 (734) from Carlyle, IL 13 years ago

"It's great that OWS has created a worldwide movement, but what is the endgame?" - We dont have an endgame except play to win. I guess when they give enough protesters what they want so they do something besides protest game is won and we go home.Who needs an endgame? We are making the rules this time. We can decide what is a "win" whenever we want.

That or they start shooting us and/or putting us in concentration camps. I give this a 30% probability.

"Almost every mainstream media outlet has ignored your protests." - We are being blacklisted.... its called "damage control" in the corporate world. See above statement about shooting us.

"I don't believe they (the governing elite) see you guys as a threat, they believe they have all the resources and control over media to wait you guys out. They just keep on ignoring your protests long enough until most of the people give up." - Yeah they do. They have people infiltrating the movement. I am sure the FBI and Homeland Security are keeping close tabs on us. They try to break us up and co-opt us constantly. They dont want to publicly acknowledge us besides a mention. I assure you the president has already got a threat assessment on us though probably with at least weekly updates.

Its like playing poker. They dont want to show their hand because they are still trying to figure out what we got in our hand.

"a systematic series of beliefs" - That the system should work for ALL Americans. That we are tired of how this country is ran and we are going to change it back into the country we want. We are still putting this movement together. These kind of movements dont happen in a few weeks. It takes months sometimes longer to get it going. Especially since OWS is setting up a govt inside a govt.

[-] 1 points by PlasmaStorm (242) 13 years ago


The endgame is all of the protesters go home and resume their lives.

[-] 1 points by deloprator20000 (9) 13 years ago

The most dangerous non-violent ideas (it would not hurt one person or group):


Try to follow the ideas through, you may experience the government monitoring you. (just like me)

[-] 0 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

There are a lot of forums out there. aside from showing support in numbers, it is important to use this time to network and talk with like and not so like minded people. please check out some of the forums born of the OWS.





I urge you to participate in a poll https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dFlNNHJTRlZwMWs5ZjlhTWN0NlZReHc6MQ#gid=0

a snapshot of results just from occupywallst.org https://www.google.com/fusiontables/DataSource?snapid=S295137aVeY

me: http://blog.richardkentgates.com