Forum Post: Whats the difference between discriminating against the 1% and Black people?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 7:03 a.m. EST by thomasmiller
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I think discrimination is discrimination whether it be against some wealthy white dude or a poor black dude. Discrimination is all the same and if you can discriminate against one class, then you can discriminate against other classes.
Let everyone be. If you cant find a job as a result of your lack of skills then thats no reason to blame the Kochs. Do what you have to do to find work, but stop blaming other people for your problems. I know of people who enlisted in the Army to find work, others who have moved to different parts of the country and overseas. Work is work is work, find some!
No one is discriminating against the 1%. We want them regulated. We want them locked up right beside the crackheads from skidrow when they commit crimes just like the crackhead. We don't want them sent to a special jail for the 1% with TVs and tennis courts. We don't want them using their money buy off the people we vote in. We want white collar criminals to be jailed as quickly as anyone guilty of armed robbery. We want discriminatory laws that give the 1% lower sentences than drug addicts changed. We are totally against discrimination. The victims of discrimination and criminalization have been the 99% as compared to the 1%. If crimes are statistically more likely in the 99% they have been treated differently than if the crime is statistically more likely to occur in the 1%. If the 1% is discriminated against it has been in a favorable way and I think its time it stopped.
That is the dumbest thing I have seen written in a long time.
Discriminating against people based on color helps to keep them poor. It is an injustice.
Discriminating against those among the rich who prey on the poor is justice.
and you just admitted that you are discriminating and calling it justice.
Know your enemy, you're your own worst enemy, Jung suggested people put their "shadow" repressed subconsious nature on outside forces. If I cannot do well, it must be the fault of another.
While the rules of capitalism are bias towards those who know them. The rules of any system are bias towards those who can best utilize it. The problem is accessability.
Think of resources in the wild such as "water" on the dry african savanna, in trying to get a drink in the wild one must deal with crocodiles. Nature of the game, the logic says, well there should be no crocodiles, as that benefits every other animal that needs a drink. It's really great logic, but not for the crocodiles.
Like every other animal out there the crocodile is a product of it's natural environment, it's no more to blame for doing what's in it's nature, then any other creature. We could argue well, the crocodile has a choice, it can choose not to eat.
Comparing people to crocs is a crude and harsh analogy. But it would be on a similar level, blaming a creature for what the environment has made of it.
The only difference is we have the ability to shape the environment. The problem is not the people it seems, or the evil 1%, they are simply products of the system. They will behave and compete in the way they know how.
In demanding more from the system, more pieces of paper, one misses the essential truth, paper or money is somewhat irrelevant. Money is not food, and it's not the stuff people want.
These things come from productive activity such as work, which brings to light the question, what is a given individual working for. In many instance that person works to maintain the given environment, to procure the comforts that environment offers.
We fight wars for things to give us heat, and to make life easy. In collectively living this way, we empower the environment to produce wealthy people, who benefit by providing these comforts, and jobs to help provide them.
It takes a long look at how we live and work in to make the environment what it is, to see how these people are being empowered.
Demonizing the products of a broken system does very little, to fix the problem that is the system itself. The demand for what the system produces is the underlaying probelm.
Thomas are you getting paid for this shit? Because if you are not...then what in the fuck are you trying to accomplish? seriously....
Let everyone be.
That is the key phrase you need to focus on thomas.
You discriminate against whites, blacks. the wealthy, and the poor in the first sentence of your post.
You assume whites are wealthy, blacks are poor, the wealthy are white, and that the poor are black.
Should I assume you are not very intelligent?
However, if our society is turned in to a job destroying machine, that is a wrong that should be righted. If it continues, even the jobs int the army, overseas and in different parts of the country will be eliminated.
That's exactly why some folks support a flat tax. Currently why should the government have pro-job policies? Most of the lower income levels hardly pay any taxes, so why create those jobs? The government only makes real money creating taxable jobs that earn over $80K.... and those jobs are usually beyond the majorities physical, intellectual, and motivational abilities. A flat tax would change all that! The government would have real motivation to create jobs if only everybody paid their fair share!
Which wealthy people in the so called "1%" are attacking jobs? Vague statements of "they are taking our jobs!" or "the 1%" really do no good. How about specifics, details and names? When you get that specific list then just focus on those people rather then painting everyone in the top1% with a broad brush.
The reality is many wealthy people contribute to charities and employ people in real jobs. Bill Gates is a prime example who runs a foundation and has contributed much of his personal wealth to charity. Is he another one of those evil 1 percenters?
If a wealthy person is hiring people, spending their money domestically or contributing to a charity then why should you take issue with them?
Do not focus on vague notions of who is in the 1% or 99%. Focus on exact names, details and specifics. It is patently evil to paint any group of people with a broad brush!