Forum Post: Whatever " ism " you follow you need to read this
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 12, 2012, 6:50 p.m. EST by mantis1
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...of wresting back some of those cardinal, once meaningful, words like "equality", "peace", "democracy", which have been fraudulently converted into shibboleths of political warfare; and already it is impossible for anyone who has read Animal Farm (as well as for many who have not) to listen to the demagogues' claptrap about equality with also hearing the still, small voice that adds "...but some are more equal than others. "
C.M. Woodhouse wrote the above as part of his introduction to Orwells Animal Farm. Seems nothing has really changed in politics since 1946.
So whatever "ism" you espouse I urge you to read that book. Liberal, conservative, Marxist, socialist, anarchist etc.. it applies to ALL ideologies.
Please don't say "animal farm". It is offensive to members of congress.
Now that is something I would NEVER do!
Please don't say congress either... it is offensive to animals....
Pink Floyd was influenced by Animal Farm
Pink Floyd - Dogs (Complete Song)