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Forum Post: What you need to know about Libya and why they were attacked

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 11:44 p.m. EST by EndTheFedNow (692)
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I did some research, back when this NWO/NATO attack on Libya got started. Everything in the video, I read elsewhere, except for the $4 million bribes paid to the Lockerbie witnesses, which I'll look into. I began my digging by looking up info on the status of women in Libya. It's a secular country (or was) and women have full and equal rights, and are respected. Then there is the amazing "Undergound River", sometimes called one of the wonders of the world. An incredible feat of engineering and bringing clean water throughout an arid region. I also read some of the Green Book and was blown away. It reminded me of the Iroquois model of self/tribal governance.

Now those bastards have murdered him and now you know why. This was no revolution. It was a New World Order/IMF hit job. Everything the nooze has told you is a BIG FAT LIE. So very much of what OWS has said we wish for, was a reality in Libya.



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[-] 1 points by Jelm430 (87) 13 years ago

Before you waste your time this guy is nutter then squirrel shit. fare warning .

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

Luckily you don't get to shut anything down. People will do their own research whether you label them as nutty or not. A fair number of people in the Occupy movement are not in favor of the empire waging war on humanity.

[-] 1 points by Jelm430 (87) 13 years ago

yeah I don't want an empire waging endless war. I do know there are people who no sane human would cry if they died. I've not seen one source. I won't read the green book as it is propaganda give me news sources give me something through al jazeera or anything else that is reputable not this fringe bullshit you pass of as true.

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago


You keep relying on the MSM who are propagandists for the establishment fucking up this planet. Most of us know better.

[-] 1 points by Jelm430 (87) 13 years ago

Where done here you keep talking your crazy fringe bullshit and I've live in the real world. have fun crying over a bastards death.

[-] 1 points by jjmr10 (3) 13 years ago

Big fat lie kinda like the osama bin landen pictures released on muslim tv http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wL3Zo1_gLJM&feature=related

[-] 1 points by GeorgeMichaelBluth (402) from Arlington, VA 13 years ago

I commend your choice to not take things at face value and look more deeply into the situation than the mainstream media did....

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

History is barely taught in this dumbed down country and nobody is taught that it's written by the victors. Unfortunately, even those who know that something is wrong, aren't even close to understanding what that something is. That requires study. The entire story of the world as we think it is has been fabricated. No different than what Orwell wrote in 1984.

The mainstream media didn't just not look into it. They are complicit in war crimes by willingly serving as propagandists in exchange for money and social position. Anderson Cooper worked the CIA and he was one of the biggest pimps for this atrocious war.

[-] 1 points by AnEnglishmanAbroad (1) 13 years ago

Having worked in Libya some years ago, let me tell you from first hand experience that it was an absolute hell hole. Whilst everyone was expected to carry and read the Green Book (and could be imprisoned or even murdered for not doing so) barely anyone benefited from it in any way, except the few tribal regions and toadies directly connected to the great brother leader. Women had no rights outside of that book.......none. Remember that the enemy of your enemy is in no way certain to be your friend, just because you dislike the IMF/NATO/whoever does not mean that Libya was a socialist paradise. It wasn't, it was an absolute fucking mess. Read this - http://pajamasmedia.com/michaeltotten/2011/02/20/in-the-land-of-the-brother-leader-2/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
Whilst I'm no political ally of Totten, I can assure you that he captures the essence of Libya perfectly in his piece.

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

Pajamas Media is a neocon site.

Englishmen abroad also told tales about other "hell holes" they wanted to move in and exploit.

This is not about "my enemy's enemy is my friend". As an American constitutionalist, I don't think this country should make alliances with ANYONE. The standard of living in Libya or any other African nation is relative. Nobody who's been brought up in the wealthy west is going to find any place in Africa that isn't a hell hole by our standards. It's not about our standards, though. ffs, Brits in Canada talked about the hellish lives of First Nations peoples and so they kidnapped their children and put them in residential schools, where they were tortured and murdered for the sake of a "higher standard of living" according to western colonizers.

[-] 1 points by Jelm430 (87) 13 years ago

How are all these loons on this board.So why did Qaddafi's government pay for high price lawyers to free the lockerbie bomber. how did the NWO bribe/kill all these witness. If you for some reason all these witness are dead maybe I would believe you.If you could show me on aljazeera If Libya had equal right for women then why was there Sharai law the law of the land.

[-] 0 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

Research the Lockerbie trial yourself. Why wouldn't Libya assist a Libyan accused in such a case? Libya is not ruled by mullahs or Sharia.

[-] 1 points by Jelm430 (87) 13 years ago

know you show me your facts or shut. I don't got all day to bullshit around with a dimwit troll who is probably paid for a foreign government...probably with a lot of dry hot dirt/sand.

[-] 1 points by Jelm430 (87) 13 years ago

I looked up the lockerbie trial and all points to him.the reds didn't have anything to gain from it America/west didn't get anything out of it so who did it.He did have sharia law in there and I'm not going to pretend that crazy bastard didn't deserve to die. I have something you will never have common sense. I don't think it is possible for the government let alone two or three government covering up something that big. secondly libya paid lawyers and the lobbyist to get him free because we was wanting to spill the beans.You know I would bet my last bottle of black goose and bates Irish rum that your not an American and another side bet to guess that your probably over in the middle east....maybe Pakistan Libya would be to oblivious Syrian has a good hater group or maybe Egypt.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan_Am_Flight_103

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

Oh, boy, you got the rundown on Lockerbie from Wikipedia.

You are as wrong about me as you are about Libya. Do carry on, though, and keep supporting the NATO murder machine for resources.

[-] 1 points by Jelm430 (87) 13 years ago

better then where you got your propaganda from. where did you get your ideas from what website is that on. either your over in Libya trolling in a cafe or wearing a tin foil hat because you fear the government will read your mind.

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

And all of those mortgage free homes - well they'll get liens put on them to pay the new IMF debt.

One mantra that I've heard repeated ad nauseum by the media pimps is, "Libya lacks any real institutions" and how much work it will be to form a "working governmental structure". Well, they had institutions that provided the free homes, free health care, subsidized autos, and that built and maintained that fabulous water infrastructure. So, the NWO colonizers are just complaining that THEIR style of institutions aren't in place - like interest charging banks and privately/foreign owned everything else. Oh, yeah, and someone to manage and take over all that oil.

I'm not even a socialist. I'm a constitutionalist. However, what I am has no bearing on what Libya WAS - a functioning country of tribes where all need were met.

Don't let the neolib and neocon liars and their lapdog press brainwash you about this. What has happened in Libya is the NWO plan for the whole world. This alone is reason enough to jail all of the bastards in DC who did this.

[-] 0 points by justhefacts (1275) 13 years ago

And yet......there were so many women smuggling guns and food and money to the rebels....

[-] 0 points by DocWatson (109) 13 years ago

President Obama is no wuss.

In fact, he showed how you use American force to bring down a dictator. It would have taken Bush 5 years and $50 billion to do what Barack did in 5 months.

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

There is no comparison between Iraq and Libya and the Yoo-es-ay! is still in Afghanistan. Yeah, your neolib war monger is just as much as a killer as Bush, though. You must be proud. Not only, that, he's just getting started. New Predator drone bases are being installed all over. Occupy Wall Street? Shit, Occupy Uganda!