Forum Post: What would you do to outgrow the status quo? WYBM, have you seen it?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 19, 2011, 5:40 a.m. EST by economicallydiscardedcitizen
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I know, I know, we here at OWS are actually moving towards changing the status quo. But this one 'has it all' in the interest of informing viewers: a disillusioned Valedictorian, George Carlin, John Lennon and Yoko Ono (who state there's plenty of money and food for everybody), mention of Eugenicists, Rockefeller and other multi-billionaires hell bent on population control,deconstruction of mainstream media, how Glenn Beck is made to cry, Bill O'Reilly becomes unhinged and cusses a blue streak, a blurb from 'Network' the movie, Orwell, the original definition of LIBERAL, the concept of the 'Noble Lie' and the separation of abundance/wealth from the masses that if we didn't subscribe to it, we probably wouldn't be as entangled as we are in the 'status quo.' . You've got to check it out and pass it around if you can because it really does a good job of synopsizing why the world operates as it does!
WYBM - What You've Been Missing, episode 01 "The Noble Lie" - entire
What You've Been Missing, Episode #01:
WYBM: What You've Been Missing! / Episode 01 / Exposing the Noble Lie
You can watch the entire episode on YouTube (instead of downloading):
References, Notes, Links, etc. for Episode 01:
What You've Been Missing was created to fill the massive gap created by corporate media, between itself and reality.
A virtual variety show with a point, WYBM helps you learn how to outgrow the status quo; through a systematic process of critical thinking supplemented with comedy.
WYBM: It's better than "news", it's What You've Been Missing!
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