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Forum Post: What would make a "Wall Street guy" join in?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 8:32 p.m. EST by Ironical (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

In some ways, I am a "Wall Street" guy, and in other ways I am one of the 99% you claim to represent. I want an opportunity to make a good living, honestly and fairly. But, like all of America, I am sick and tired of the powerful, moneyed oligarchy that runs America profiteering off the backs of hard working Americans.

That's why we need strong, transparent and fair capital markets and honest, smart leaders. The two aren't incompatible.

So what I'm saying is that I'm ready to join your revolution, to restore the system's integrity - not destroy it.

I don't know what Wall Street means to you. But to me, it means all the crony capitalists and market manipulators whose calculators and spreadsheets say the present value of their self-serving greed is worth discounting all of America's future.

That's the Wall Street that I'm committed to fighting - the Wall Street that's littered with greed and corruption.

If you're mad that Wall Street money has bought our Congress; if you're mad that there's an oligarchy of banker puppeteers pulling the strings of the U.S. Federal Reserve; if you're mad that Wall Street is hell-bent on toying with the stock market and turning the screws on fixed-income investors, parents, and retirees to expand their profit margins; and, if you are mad that "too-big-to-fail" banks can wreck the economy and get bailed out, only to become bigger bullies while tens of millions of Americans lose their homes, jobs, and retirement savings, then I am solidly with you.

Please don't get me wrong. It's not that there aren't plenty of other things in the United States that need fixing. I think we'd all agree we need to simplify and "fairify" the tax code, if not throw it out altogether. But, your movement is Occupy Wall Street, so let's stick to that.

So these are the goals I'd like for us all to undertake:

1.Break up too-big-to-fail banks so they aren't threatening our financial system . 2.Investigate failed banks for fraud, and indict and incarcerate guilty parties. 3.Scale banker bonuses progressively with long-vesting stock options. 4.Legislate pay claw-back provisions and criminal statutes for bad banker behavior. 5.Eliminate volatility-inducing high-frequency-trading and ETF program arbitrage. 6.Make all derivatives exchange traded, highly margined, and transparent. 7.Limit credit default swaps to two times the value of at-risk underlying credits. 8.Mandate exhaustive studies of the potential market impact of newly created financial products. 9.Create simple, effective, light-touch regulations with heavy criminal penalties . 10.Cap Wall Street's political contributions and make them transparent. 11.Audit the Federal Reserve and limit its lending to domestic banking institutions. 12.Give the Consumer Protection Finance Bureau (CPFB) criminal indictment powers, including over the Federal Reserve. 13.Make Wall Street answer to the needs of Main Street, not the other way around.

This "Wall Street" we're fighting against is not synonymous with capitalists. The enemy we share does not include the entrepreneurs and self-starters that have built this country up brick by brick.

So if you think socialism is better than capitalism, you can count me out. If you think that redistributing earned income from hard working Americans to support lazy, self-indulgent, able-bodied crybabies is fair, count me out. If you think that making a lot of money, fairly and honestly, is un-American, count me out. And, if you're thinking about violence or destroying other people's property, count me out. (post copied from Shah Gilani's column at http://moneymorning.com/2011/10/07/dear-occupy-wall-street-will-you-stand-with-me/)



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[-] 1 points by Poplicola (125) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago


Our government does not have the constitutional authority to hire a private bank to manipulate global currencies.

We will not fix any of our economic problems as long as the Federal Reserve is employed by the US government.

We the People wage war against the multinational corporate lobbyists who have assumed control of our government.

We the People will not give up until our goals are achieved.

We the People will continue to educate our fellow countrymen on these issues.

We must take the state of the economy into consideration when choosing our battles.

Our economy is unstable, and unsustainable.

Our economy will become infinitely more unstable if we take money out of politics without firing the Federal Reserve. This is not a "your opinion" "my opinion" type of thing...this is the current economic paradigm.

We are a movement against the current socio-political paradigm.

We are a movement for, of, and by the American populous and constitution.

We do not align ourselves with any politician.

We are the politicians.

We understand the issues at hand.

We cannot provide all of the solutions. Solutions lie within a new body of legislators, free from greed and corruption.

We are Vox Populi.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.

[-] 1 points by April (3196) 13 years ago

Oh, also I think that Wall Street should be punished for their crimes in the financial crises! Would LOVE to hear your thoughts on this as well!

[-] 1 points by April (3196) 13 years ago

Ironical, You have said alot of the same things I believe.
Let me tell you another thing I believe - 1% has bought their representation in our government and 99% are left with the crumbs. Our democracy has been hijacked by money in the political system. I believe that we need to establish Separation of Money and State. Take all of the money out of the political system by creating publicly funded campaigns and elections. 1% has unfair influence in our government. Money speaks too loudly in our government and has diminished our democracy. Your thoughts?

[-] 1 points by Monkeyboy69 (150) 13 years ago

As another wall street guy I agree with you 1,2,9, 11 .... The others I cannot agree with ... Limiting investing vehicles (etfs, cds, etc) ... I also 100% agree with your closing paragraph

[-] 1 points by BringBackGlassSteagallAct (67) 13 years ago

Right on! Since you brought it up, I feel the only way we can get back on safe financial footing again is to close the Enron Loophole created for energy/oil speculators and bring back The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, which prevented the current banking and insurance scams/loopholes. After all, it worked great until late 90's when Congress threw it out. Since then, like prior to 1933, we are experiencing what our country went though then, total Wall Street greed with no penalties, its all legal gambling now...thanks to the architects of our new system in 1999, President Clinton and Senator Gramm.

And for the Free Trade Movement, bringing back the Glass-Steagall Act will not hurt our financial markets or hinder free trade, as the GOP rhetoric claims, instead with this back in PLACE bankers can still make millions a day, but not trillion as they do now on the accounts of hard working Americans. Cheers to all that are involved! Jim

Why we need Glass-Steagall to be reinstated:

http://www.investopedia.com/articles/03/071603.asp#axzz1aPEc3wXj http://www.counterpunch.org/2008/09/19/shattering-the-glass-steagall-act/

Why are oil prices high?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waL5UxScgUw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbdtTGYQBMU&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNp0y0SjOkY&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-kExdTgNZA&feature=channel