Forum Post: What would Jesus do?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 9:08 p.m. EST by MakeLuvNotBillions
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A very important question for the Bishop of London who must decide whether to oppose or support the movement that is occupying near the entrance of St. Paul's in London, an important question for priests, clergy, imams, rabbis, all people of faith, all agnostics, atheists. Jesus, whether a historic figure, or the savior, embodied the suffering of the 99%. To the Bishop of London: do the right thing!
He was the first and ultimate anarchist, changing worldwide social thought and destroying two powerful cultures and governments with just His words. He was the first to defend the poor, the sick, the misunderstood, the lonely, the outcast and the unrepresented, and chose to represent all of them. This association started him on his cataclysmic road of destiny to the cross and death, where he died alone, forsaken and shunned. He was the first to demand equal rights for women in challenging the stoning of an accused woman, setting her free and challenging the reputations and mockery assigned to other women due to prejudice. He was the first and only to say, "Slave, take your freedom if you can," setting thousands of them free, in spite of unending government policies of men to retain slavery. It was His words and actions that President Lincoln looked to for clarification before setting the slaves free here in the US. Dr.Martin Luther King, as well as every other civil rights leader, looked to His words and clarifications for strength during the Civil Rights movement, which we are back in right now. Jesus has been and will always be the first to teach equality and justice for all, placing the least among us, as the first in God's eyes.
Funny thing about the stoning of the woman, I think he was pointing out that her treatment was unfair. Sure, penalty for adultery was death, but the guy she was supposedly caught doin' it with wasn't being stoned, so it was probably a false accusation in the first place. More like a, "We don't like this chick, let's pretend she's an adulterer and have her killed." Like the Witch hunts.
Now we have to take on Jesus' mantle and strive for economic equality - no matter how much money we have, we all deserve an equal say in the decisions our government makes.
Kind of like "The Stoning of Suraya M" the real story of an inconvenient wife and her husband's lust for a twelve year old that he'd rather have. Jesus was pointing out that they had no business being moral judges of others when they, themselves, had piles of secret sins they were hiding. That is why he answered,"Let he among them who is without sin, cast the first stone." He already knew what they were each hiding. It is the story of the self-righteous, know-it-all religious hypocrites, one of my favorite topics on the planet. That little story went far in its ability to bring women rights and free women of a lot of things.
Cool comments. I am an agnostic, but, I really do love the Christ stories. Witness to suffering and all of that. Realln compelling stuff (I am NOT joking)
Didn't the chancellor resign in protest? (how fitting)
Wow. For real? How cool is that?
Yea, I had to Google to make sure. His title is "Dean", I had that part wrong:
Oh wait. Correction. It's the Chancellor and the Dean and a part time chaplain.
Still cool! When the church hierarcy is riled....THAT'S a sign of a successful movement!
jesus would storm into the church and kick the money changers out of the church.
Hilarious! Are you suggesting that Jesus was a storm trooper? What about turning the other cheek, and all of that? The gospel texts are so damned restrictive! I say that we vote to revise them!
When he referred to a man striking you on the cheek, it was more like a light slap. In the culture of the day, it was considered an insult rather than a physical attack.
The message was to not let petty insults bother you, and I think it's a good one.
Wow! I'm genuinely edified. Thanks Onihikage.
i like that- you want the people to get together- all the people and agree as to how they want to be governed.
that's also what ows wants
Oh. Well, I hope to see some actionable ideas very soon.!!!
not from me you won't. but from real ows members you can count on it.
YOu are only a guest. That's okay.
Hostile deed, eh?
sorry, i apologize for my inappropriate response
It's okay. I've turned my other (butt) cheek. (ha),
To whom is your comment directed?
and what pray tell does your flinging of personal insults say about you
When Jesus saw that His house was being used by moneychangers and merchants to cheat people out of their money, he got PISSED. So it's okay for us to feel the same way when our own houses are being used like that.
Too many Christians care nothing for Christ and follow someone else's religion and extra crap tacked onto Christ instead of what THEY decide to believe. Ghandi spoke of this long ago when he said, "Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
Good point!
This is what Jesus would do.
The most important thing you can do to earn the support of religious institutions and clergy is LOOK NORMAL, ACT NORMAL, and DON'T OVERSTEP.
The fear that leaders have in attaching themselves to a new movement is that you guys are going to do something stupid that will make them wish they had never heard of you.
Circulate a OWS code of ethics, a code of conduct, something....then approach these men.
Would love to stay up and talk more, but it is getting late. See you all around.
Night night ronjj
Beg to reply:
It is not a question of What Would Jesus Do?
It is a questions of What Would Jesus Have Me DO
If you have asked that question and have answered it appropriately as you know WHAT HE WOULD HAVE YOU DO. Please proceed.
If you have not, every word you write here is a step backward.
I'll tell you what Jesus would have us do. He would have us do what HE would do. It's that simple. So asking, "What would Jesus do?" is really the answer to the question, "What should we do?"
Beg to differ. He spoke as THE Power. We can only speak With the Power. There is a great differece. If you are a believer We can not even come close to what he did when He died and rose again, do I have to do the same to do good??
If you see Him as a great teacher - Sure, you point is valid. Wine to water may even be a challenge to me i this case though but I can still share His teachings, and give it a try.
But we are here discussing more semantics than subject aren't we?
No offense in anything that I posted was intended. Just trying to express what I see as the difference in your post and mine.
In a way, we are both right.
He's a character from a fantasy book, how the F should I know? Who cares?
NO one really. : o
There's just a tad of entertainment quality there. A little.
But, yeah, it's bound to digress very quickly, so the fun will turn rabidly to fire and brimstone and the gnashing of teeth very soon.
I think I leaving. Have a nice day. : )
Occupy Kozz's head. It is empty. Read beyond the headings, if you can.