Forum Post: What would happen if every gun suddenly disappeared ….?
Posted 11 years ago on April 8, 2013, 9:53 a.m. EST by RoccoXXX
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Would violence between individuals and groups cease? Not likely. Violence is a product of an individual's level of morality. Most adults are at a conventional level of morality which is dictated by the social process of law and order. This is a civic duty approach to life which is dictated to each individual and applies to all: ‘no one is above the law’. A Post Conventional sense of morality is fundamental to the character of the person and guided by an internal set of universal ethics which are not bounded by law. Action may occur in defiance of any law if ‘lack of action’ is considered wrong.
In other words…conventional morality easily condones violence whereas post-conventional morality rejects it without equivocation. With conventional morality, even religions can condone violence. With post-conventional morality, violence is simply not an option.
Most societies train their children in conventional morality.
The military industrial complex would manufacture another billion guns.
You are right we must get rid of the 1st,2nd, 4th and 5th amendments. We must do this now to save amerika.
Id make a homemade canon. Did you know a canon can take out a 12 foot wide area of bad guys with one shot?
What would happen if every gun suddenly disappeared - maybe this will get your attention:
Cuban Communism Survivor Testified to Lawmakers on Gun Control
Try Lawrence Kohlberg.
I always find it rather odd that guns/gun control issues are polarized to the extent that one is forced to smoke manufactured consent. Gun control does not have anything to do with morality. It never has.
You are absolutely correct. Gun control does not have anything to do with morality. Morality cannot be legislated. Violence is a product of morality and no matter what is banned violence will prevail as long as morality remains at a conventional level.
A just community requires all people to actually feel as if they are a part of the community. That said, this is no excuse not to enact gun control legislation. But, it's fun to think about for some.
Plain and Simple TRUTH.
I wonder if the conversation progresses to another round of first you must change yourself.
That only holds to the fucked-up in the world. Such as the Greedy assholes and their supporters that are destroying the planet.
That is what it is looking like and from unexpected sources. Which really says, you change because we won't. But, I'm hoping that this convo doesn't roll like that.
The change is needed is necessary - for the future of the planet and all life on it - SO - I would say the greedy assholes and their supporters who are with no doubt destroying the planet - "THEY" need to change.
BTW - Good Evening Love.
Yep, I agree.
Now if only we can spread the sanity - Hey?
Yep. Happy Monday, DKA!
And 2 U GirlF and 2 U. {:-])
Citizens United Money and NRA lobbying sure can connive a lot of "TRUTH" from the Plain and Simple.
Even against the 90+% of Americans' wishes.
When you are sooooooo lost, what does it even mean when you "find" something?
People are getting killed by guns. Paranoid zombies believe more guns are the answer to all their problems. And the 1% is laughing at our predictable gullibility. And you smugly pass it all off as none of your concern. The same people who believe it's "moral" to allow easy breezy purchases of assault weapons capable of Sandy Hook slaughters, believe marriage and abortion freedom are absolutely immoral!
Begging, are you?
What would happen if every gun disappeared?? I'll tell you what would happen. Every convenience store in the inner cities of America would get robbed and the manager behind the counter would get his ass beaten to a pulp. That's what would happen..... on DAY 1.
viagra sales would sryrocket
whats better for the human body Viagra or pornography?
it depends how you ingest them
A realization that the material was worth a lot? Look at copper - being stripped/stolen out of functioning air-conditioners ( or any where else it can be found/stolen ) for resale at scrap yards.
Not today. About $300 a ton for #1 steel.
Fewer people would get shot! Let's do it NOW!!!
Massive celebration!
"Most societies" don't have half the worlds guns and a few million NUTBAGS who think they're going to go to war with their government!!
Over 200 years ago, American gun owners did indeed go to war with their government, the British empire. As we know, history repeats itself, so who is to say that this wouldn't happen again?
The British empire was a group of corporations that had their headquarters in the City of London financial district and their major outpost on Wall Street. This same financial empire exists today, and though most don't recognize it as British, it still has its headquarters in the City of London Financial District, and a major outpost on Wall Street.
That empire currently "occupies" our government, so it should come as no surprise that someday we may have to again fight against it.
Luckily, our Revolution-Winning (against a foreign occupier) forefathers established our DEMOCRACY as the ultimate weapon to suppress tyrannies and negate going to war with OUR government. We are being duped with gun hysteria to ignore our DEMOCRACY.
Democracies can be used to suppress the people too, when financial interests use the mass media to persuade people to give up their rights. Our government is again being occupied by a foreign power, which has used the mass media to position its representatives in our government. Now the foreign-oligarchy controlled media and government would like to persuade us to give up our right to bear arms.
Democracy requires a free press AND a participating electorate/public. We should be participating in ensuring our media stay free, instead of just bitching about it. But we don't Vote, we don't protect our media, and we give up, surrendering our real democratic power! Then we are duped into arming-up, ignoring our democracy, to defend our own individual cocoon. And instead of defending against our real oppressors, WE SHOOT EACH OTHER!!! You are dreaming if you think you're going to fight our government with guns!!
And oblivious, navel gazing, unicorn chasing, self centered, individualist, single-issue, anarchist, paranoid, rebel without a cause, naysayers, end up aiding and abetting the 1% tyrants they claim to be working against.
Same as it ever was...
Sure we should be doing all those things. That doesn't mean that people shouldn't be prepared to fight their government with guns though.
You're a fool
It's not my idea, it's what the founding forefathers wrote in our constitution. Maybe you're just anti-American.
Yes, of course, our "founding forefathers wrote in our constitution" to amass half the world's guns, especially assault weapons, and ammo, and deny background checks, so we can fight our government, thank you, I forgot.
If our government did indeed become tyrannical, such as in Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia, assault weapons would be the appropriate weapons for fighting it off. These things happened before, I see no reason to think that they couldn't happen in the US.
From what I can see, our government is already trying to murder us. It's doing nothing to restore the economy, and is instead proposing austerity, which is a denial of funds for any activity to restore the economy.
If our government continues its direction, people will probably start dying from starvation, or because they can't pay to have heat in the winter, or from lack of health care, etc.
I believe that the oligarchy which controls our government is doing this intentionally, because it wants to reduce the population dramatically in a short period of time in order to maintain its own diminishing power. This means killing people on a wide scale, either through economic collapse or through more direct means.
I'm probably pretty much a person like you, a liberal who never owned a gun in his life, and has no desire to own a gun. But considering the way things are going today, I can see why some people would want to own guns.
Another thing to consider is that the gun issue is traditionally used as a "wedge issue", that is, people on both sides of the issue feel strongly about their position, and politicians inflame these feelings in order to divide and conquer us.
I'm guessing that you are a liberal and are here because you oppose the abusive practices of Wall Street. There are conservatives who are equally opposed to Wall Street abuses, and the people who run Wall Street want very much to prevent such conservative and liberals from working together.
No better tool than guns to accomplish that goal.
Indeed so. I think the financial crisis is the main issue to focus on these days. We could be facing a complete economic collapse in which money practically disappears, and neither food, gasoline nor medicine can be bought. That will kill a lot more people than guns are killing now.
If people get too emotional about guns, one way or the other, I think its better to get them refocused on working together to fix the economy.
Thanks, very informative.
Good with all that except one thing. Democracy depends on opinion, opinion depends on information, information depends on media, . . . oops.
Again, the abridging of free speech prevents accurate and complete information. We again can logically see that preparatory amendment for ART5 will automatically benefit democracy.
...We should be participating in ensuring our media stay free, instead of just bitching about it. But we don't Vote, we don't protect our media, and we give up, surrendering our real democratic power!...
People don't vote because they KNOW they do not have enough info AND media distracts them with exploitations of instinct.
The is a chicken and egg situation. This is why the logic of preparatory amendment is paramount. It is something we can agree on that can address all the other problems IF we can unify enough on that principle because it ends the abridging of free speech.
What exactly is in a redandbluestriped pill?
The concept of the matrix, what it really is. Do you support ending the abridging of free speech?
Get the help: go ahead, it is no longer a stigma, get that help!
It's like a taco from Nirvana!
Uh, what about free speech.
You forfeited it!!
Then you did too. Need it back?
Vote the DINOs out!
Yes they do censor, but will you work to see the end of the abridging of free speech?
But I was asking you. Will you work to assure we have it?
It's what I have been doing for quite a while. I've never censored anyone here, others do that.
What about free speech, need it back?
Talk to the 1% who picked it up after we walked away from it.
GUN violence would end.
You gotta fight Big Brother one at a time.
Without a change in the level of morality...violence will never will simply be expressed using other tools.
Exactly. What's interesting is that the homicide rate between the US and UK is often touted as proof that guns are the actual problem, but compare the suicide rates between the two countries and you'll find they are almost identical.
In other words, "it will simply be expressed using other tools."
So you are saying that because banning guns would not stop ALL violence, that we shouldnt do anything. Is that right?
Your answer is to do nothing?
I never said anything about what should be done. I am simply pointing out that violence is a morality issue regardless of laws. Again ...if all guns disappeared you would still have violence.
i agree with the fact: "if all guns disappeared you would still have violence", but I still want guns banned because it get rid of SOME violence.