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Forum Post: What Works In Practice Cannot Be Wrong In Theory.....Tomorrow's MARCH ON FOX NEWS.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 12:45 a.m. EST by puff6962 (4052)
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So far, the most effective tactic of this movement has been recording the images showing disproportionate responses by authorities.

Tomorrows March On Fox News may result in aggressive police and private security actions. So, please go to this eHow page tonight and do your research:


Additionally, make sure that you designate a member of your group to remain apart and record your activities.

There can be no violence on the part of protesters. Make sure that those who try to provoke you are not successful.

The most effective tactic in nonviolent protests is to shame your opponent by his own words, his own beliefs, his own lies. You must be perceived as virtuous and nonviolent while forcing your enemy into this, disproportionate response.

Make yourselves heard. People from around the world know that Fox News, under Rupert Murdoch, has spread its tentacles throughout our political system. Everyone has been waiting for this for years and it begins tomorrow



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[-] 2 points by TimMcGraw (50) 13 years ago

this is going to be interesting. the news story will be going right to fox's door

[-] 1 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

Yes, that is the idea. There will be news cameras from around the world as this builds and builds.

[-] 2 points by JProffitt71 (222) from Burlington, VT 13 years ago

Update, if you participate in this event, be mindful of allowing entrance into Fox news. If we were to prevent them from making their broadcasts, it would play right into their "OWS wants to oppress America" narrative, and it would be nearly impossible to reason with that. You can still camp around them, and through your own creativity ensure that there is nary a moment of peace for them, wearing them down and drawing attention to their agency. Just make sure you maintain the higher ground, and allow them the ability to fumble over themselves on tv.


[-] 0 points by weRthe1 (-33) 13 years ago

Then lets march on MSNBC. They spread lies too

[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

Actually, fact checking services find that MSNBC is actually very precise. Fox news always ends up just above the tabloids. When are they going to bring back Mad Men?

[-] 3 points by Demian (497) from San Francisco, CA 13 years ago

I don't care. MSNBC is owned by G.E. who's CEO is Obama's go to man on jobs. Nevermind the fact that this guy is sending as many jobs overseas as he can. MSNBC may be more accurate when it comes to reporting the facts but when it comes right down to it they are pretty much the propaganda wing of the Democratic party, which is just as corporate owned as the Republicans are. This is why you almost never hear Madow or Schultz and the rest of them on there say anything critical of the Democrats or Obama.

[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

No, they are the propaganda wing of reality. Who was right about the Bush tax cuts? Who was right about Iraq? Who was right about the Republicans obstructing Congress?

You may not like labels and you may not like the MSNBC personalities......but they are far more accurate than Fox News.

[-] 1 points by Demian (497) from San Francisco, CA 13 years ago

Being more accurate than Fox news is like being taller than Danny Devito, it's not hard to do. I am not impressed. It really doesn't give you pause that MSNBC is owned by G.E.? They paid almost no taxes last year and Jeffery Emelt is Obama's go to man on jobs. Check out this link about them outsourcing.


[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

I live in a world of grays. An imperfect entity may be a stabilizing force for our democracy.....Hell, John Morgan once saved the stock market himself.....but I also recognize that in order to do real evil in this world, you need religion.

And Fox news is the religion of the Right.....not Christianity....Fox News.



[-] 0 points by weRthe1 (-33) 13 years ago

it is also how they present the information. While watching, it is evident that MSNBC shows clear favoritism towards the left. Do yourself a favor and refrain from scouring mediamatters.com http://www.rightchange.com/blog/rightchange_rightchange_fact_check_on_msnbcs_dylan_ratigan_unemployment_cla

[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

Favoritism of the truth is much preferable to the brandishing of lies.

[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

So, you're saying that Ratigan was being honest.

[-] 0 points by weRthe1 (-33) 13 years ago

no, there is a clear error

[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

This is the post I was directing you to, did it work this time?