Forum Post: What Will You Do When Winter Comes?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 11:56 a.m. EST by wouldhavepreferred
from Portland, OR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Mayor Bloomberg seems confident that the OWS protest will disappear once cold weather hits. What say you?
I propose that Occupy WS come out to LA for the winter! How cool would that be?
I would recommend you build a strategy now for de-emphasizing encampments in cold weather cities and, instead, emphasize planned marches on key dates (Macy's Day Parade for example). Use between now and then to build your online message, and plan for a hell of a presence in warm weather cities throughout the winter, then come back with a vengeance in NY in the spring.
If everyone just spends the small amount of money to get one of these:
It will keep you warm, and Blumpberg won't talk back anymore...
Bring the snowmobiles in and ride up and down wallstreet.
Rain or shine.
We aren't summertime soldiers nor sunshine patriots.
Has winter ever stopped a World Wide Revolution?
It's stopped quite a few armies
Ha! Napolean would certainly agree.
Its hope lies in the south and southwest .And hopefully we have our new national delegates at some point they could probably hammer things out in the winter
Joke is on you, Hispanics in the Southwest see your movement as trivial. While you 'protesters' complain, Hispanics continue to strive for the American dream. Will they be the next scapegoat?
I think their included in the whole 99 percent thing . I think they already got a nueve nueve percento or something.real talk lol
he might be right! :( Won't stop the movement tough! It will hibernate in New York and concentrate on the south and south west! I also think, the OWS camp sould move to Battery Park and negociate with the city for more permenent structures like tents and portable toilets! Yes ... it is a little removed from Wall Street ... but i do not think this few yards matter much! It is the people, not the location!
why not just go home.. having a bunch of scruffy smelly people hang around not doing anything 5 days a week, waiting for the weekend to rally doesnt really accomplish much.
Not true ... of course it accomplishes a lot! the focus of the discussion on a national level is changing! And that is what this is all about! Look at the deficit debate in August ... what a peace of crap! But it was a successful attempt by the tea party! Now it is time to do the same on the economy! The USA is not build on the super rich, it is build on the middle class! So therefor we have to protect it from the super rich! If 80% of all wealth of a nation belongs to 1% of its population, than there is a fundamental problem in the equation!
My bet is on Bloomberg.
Betting on Bloomberg would be a better investment then the stock market
yes but equities return more ... that's called risk.
it's called a joke.
I agree.