Forum Post: What We Want (Part 2)--Prose Poetry
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 1:06 a.m. EST by kcru
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
What do we want, you ask?
We will tell you.
What we want cannot be done justice with a sound-byte from some faux-expert, airhead depository for corporate "research" funds on Fox News, and it cannot be derided by perverted, narrow-sighted neo-con criticism.
What we want is not socialism. What we want is not Soviet-style Communism, hippie peace-love, or Marxist rebellion.
What we want is not another diversion from reality with bombastic promises and catchy election-year slogans.
What we is not Hope or Change that comes printed on campaign literature.
What we want is not a Messiah or a Satan or anything that complex.
What we want cannot be tabulated on some spreadsheet or blasted to by a fire-breathing war machine.
What we want is nothing less than the dream proclaimed by that Great Emancipator in memoriam of those who gave their lives in the struggle for freedom
What we want
in Kansas City, in Zuccotti Park, in London, in Los Angeles, in Paris,
in Hong Kong, in Des Moines, in Rome,
in the world over
is to ensure
today, tomorrow, all week and forever
"that the government of the people, by the people, and for the people "-- not just the 1%, not just the 50%, not just the 99%, but all the people-- "shall not perish from the earth."
That is what we want.