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Forum Post: What We Want (Part 1)

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 12:43 a.m. EST by kcru (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

by Joe Arouet

You ask, "What is it that you want so bad?"

I will tell you.

What we want is an end to government and business sipping from each other's glasses, inhaling each others' poison, feeding from each others' troughs in the martini bars, the laughing gas bars, the pigsties of unfettered corporate capitalism and then stumbling out on the street to vomit and defecate their waste all over the worn shirt-backs of the homeless, the ones displaced by their latest office expansion, their on-the-side real estate venture, their brokerage houses built to heaven, too big to fail and too sacrosanct to be damned for the idol havens, the houses of Mammon that they have become.

What we want is a voice for those whose voice has been muted by big dollar media, muted by corporate jingles, jingoism, police bullhorns, and the shrieks of those spoiled children who cry and scream at the faintest suggestion of taking their corporate jet tax deductions away!

What we want is an answer to these questions:

Since when did the Hogs become America's team, roused to fight fight fight! for the "rights" unduly given to them-- the right to swindle the working man with subprime promises, the right to suck up another quarter trillion taxpayer dollars to save their own ships from sinking while the laid-off machinist and his family huddle together for warmth because their door is padlocked and made ugly with eviction notice--by the rah-rah propagandist spiel of immasculated cheerleaders, rouged, lipsticked, short-skirted, walking on their hands and waving pom-poms from the White House?

Gimme a C!

You want me to tell you what we want? Well, then you tell me first: When did Congress tear up what is left of the First Amendment and pass a law declaring Greed to be the state religion, bank regulation to be blasphemy, and taxes on millionaires, billionaires, and Exxon Mobil to be heresy?

Gimme an R!

Why is it that you demand that we stop our occupation of Wall Street, stop our occupation of London, stop our occupation of Hong Kong when you have no problem using the blood of our brothers to occupy Baghdad, to occupy Basra, to occupy Kabul and Tripoli and God-knows-where's next?

Gimme an O!

How come you blind us with pepper spray and toss salt on our wounds through your condescension when we have ask for nothing more than a return to sanity? How come the blips and bumps and dips in the Dow have become more important than the millions being booted from their homes, than the health of our children, than the very air we breathe?

Gimme another O!

Oh! Oh! When did the number on the bottom line come to mean more than the bottom 99%? We are the 99%! And the 99% will no longer sit in the silk pockets, line the silk pockets, be relegated to sleep with the lint in the silk pockets of the penthouse-set, of the white-collar con men, the charlatans from Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs who have brought the delicate lives of so many to the brink of destruction!

Gimme a K!

K? When did the free world become so damn expensive? Who was it that sent the American middle class scrounging between couch cushions for pennies to send their children to college? Who was it that sent them to the ERs to have their arms and legs amputated and repackaged as capital so that the steroid-inflated mega-farms might hold their stomachs over their heads and squeeze out another dollar?! Who was it that had them evicted from their homes, tossed out on the street, surrounded by orange fencing, pepper sprayed, brutalized, victimized, and humiliated for peacefully demanding their rights?

Gimme an S!

What does that spell?

Crooks! Crooks! Crooks!

Go Crooks!

comes the cry from the White House

Go Crooks!

cries the Congress

Go Crooks!

Cry hard-working Americans duped into thinking that they deserve nothing more than the dirty crumbs and filthy dregs left over after the corporate orgy, the tyrants' tea party!



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[-] 1 points by JWBethesda (52) from Bethesda, MD 13 years ago

Well written brother.

I can feel your frustration.

[-] 1 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

good article ;)