Forum Post: what we really need
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 12:41 p.m. EST by microwaveweapons
from Alexandria, VA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
- pres line item veto
- outlaw lobbying with mandatory jail terms
- outlaw riders to bills , let each bill pass or fail on it's own merrits 4 stop giving Israel impunity
- apologize to the world for murders in Iraq, secret prisons, torture, and about 50 other things, 6 loose the martial law stuff , patriot act, homeland security, wiretapping etc.
- loose the predator drone, that's removing a persons right to due process, trial by fire- if we get you you must have been guilty
- real bank reform to protect the customer from rip offs
- get military spending in line with what the other 190 countries spend