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Forum Post: What We Need To Do - Legislative Action!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 11:39 a.m. EST by Linxxer (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I have been watching the Sunday talk shows today and listening to the media and politicians critic of the movement. Most are identifying that there is no focus and no defined actions the groups has defined.

Let me begin with I am one of the lucky Americans... I am in the top 10% of income and wealth... but is still feel disenfranchised with America today.

I have three legislative items that I would like to suggest WE THE PEOPLE make happen:

1) All political positions should be a single six year term. The founding fathers never intended for lifetime politicians. This will limit the lobbyists ability to influence and it limit corporate influence in politics. 2) All businesses with over 500 employees must define publicly their TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE goals of PEOPLE, PLANET & PROFIT. Within this strategy there should be a law that limits the ratio of the top and bottom salary at any (public) corporation. Today that ratio is 325:1. 3) Those who create wealth should be able to use it as they see fit, however, the transfer of wealth via inheritance/estate tax must be used to redistribute the wealth back to the people. The top 1% of American have 35% of the total US net worth. This redistribution will allow for strengthening of American via infrastructure, education (subsidized college for all), even the funding of a visionary goal (put a man on the moon) like development of a new energy source to deliver "FREE" energy to all.



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