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Forum Post: what we are all talking about - but no one has actually asked:

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 30, 2012, 10:27 a.m. EST by ericweiss (575)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

What is your single, most important goal for America [ or the world ] ?
specifically how can we achieve that single goal ?

in one hundred words or less



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[-] 1 points by stevebol (1269) from Milwaukee, WI 12 years ago

Tax the rich so hard they scream for mercy.Then tax them some more. I'm sick of mamby-pamby dems who think it's 1960.

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 12 years ago

Overturn citizens united and end corporate personhood
with a constitutional amendment by electing candidates who will support that amendment and pass campaign finance reform.

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

For America and the Globe- to end the influence that these huge corporations are having on our entire way of life.

How to get it- fill congress with Occupiers. Or at least attempt to get some new groups in there. The legislation needs to be changed, and only congress can do that.

Or wait for it to collpase and hope the country miraculously pulls its head out of its own ass.


[-] -1 points by AfterpartyJones (0) 12 years ago

Cultural Succession is my number one goal for both America and the World. I believe it is already naturally happening, I simply wish to help it along its way and be happy.

Cultural Succession is the idea that Healthy Human Culture naturally Regenerates through distinct phases, similar to the way a Forest Regrows after a major disturbance.

Here's how a forest regrows itself after a disturbance such as a fire, landslide, or clear-cut (shown as "-XX->" ): Mature Forest -XX-> Weeds & Grasses -> Shrubs -> Young Forest Community -> Mature Forest Community

Using this natural model, how is Human Culture repairing itself? Indigenous -XX-> Agricultural Civ -> Industrial Civ -> Cultural Creative -> Digital Native

Now, what do these terms mean? As most of us are Cultural Creatives (Digital Immigrants) who grew up and still live under the cultural norms of Industrial Civilization, exploring this meme can help us set boundaries, envision/plan/develop long-term objectives, succeed beyond the current cultural paradigm, and set the foundation for Digital Native culture to flower worldwide.

Here's the foundational essay with pictures and more: http://culturalsuccession.tumblr.com/post/32289357421/the-movement-grows-like-the-forests-cultural