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Forum Post: What to do with 18.6 Million Empty Homes ?

Posted 11 years ago on June 2, 2013, 11:44 a.m. EST by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

at the peak in 2008 there was 18.6 Million Empty Homes In America ....

could not find a current estimate ... but we know it is less but still a big #

here's a crazy idea....

there are a lot of reasons these vacancies have not recovered yet ... however imo, the primary one is that the jobs are not available in these areas....


we organized a campaign like "Rolling Jubilee" that acquired these homes... and turned half or so into Aquaponic farming structures ... ?

This will help in the demise of the GMO disaster ... as well as provide new job opportunities to those devastated areas....



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[-] 2 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 11 years ago

The Russians Prove Small Scale,Organic Can Feed the World

Posted by permaculturefreepress

Organic and sustainable small-scale farming could double food production in the parts of the world where hunger is the biggest issue.


[-] 2 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 11 years ago

A bunch of city slickers dreamed up their ideal farm, and it's not only great for the environment, it's so good for business that Whole Foods wants to be their business partner. Watch as the folks behind Gotham Greens tell you why they needed to dream up a new farm in the first place, then at 1:45, they'll explain how they made it a reality. The crazy plans with Whole Foods come in around 4:00. Bon appétit!


[-] 2 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

Good idea. I would join a project like that, assuming one of the primary goals was to have the most transparent campaign ever. I owned a deli recently and have been giving a lot of thought to the waste of food from restaurants. That and water wells were my two favorites, now your idea ranks with them.

[-] 1 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 11 years ago

I agree better than 99% ... 100% transparency....

there might actually be a ton of govt resources available for this ... local, state & federal

[-] 2 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

I think the idea itself is so good, there has to be a way.

[-] 1 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 11 years ago
[-] 1 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 11 years ago

The largest aquaponics system in the world

FarmedHere Aquaponics System 5.1.13 Posted by Food Patriots Food Patriots recently visited FarmedHere for the grand opening of the largest aquaponics system in the world, just outside of Chicago, Illinois. Founded by Jolanta and Paul Hardej, FarmedHered has an ambitious mission to change the way food is grown, harvested and distributed in America, while helping their customers and team members to have healthier and more productive lives. Visit the FarmedHere website for more information.

Watch a video of the largest indoor vertical farm in the world.‎ :


[-] 1 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 11 years ago

no... had not seen that Kavatz,,, Thanks.... ; )

[-] 1 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 11 years ago

NP, I thought you might be interested, as it seems you can rent or lease them.

[-] 1 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 11 years ago

GrowUp's Aquaponic Urban Farm Produces Sustainable Fish and Vegetables in a Recycled Shipping Container

Read more: GrowUp's Aquaponic Urban Farm Produces Sustainable Fish and Vegetables in a Recycled Shipping Container | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building


[-] 1 points by aaronparr (597) 11 years ago

Every city (or county if in an unincorporated area) needs to use eminent domain to take these properties back from the banks.

Seized properties are put in public trusts.

The trust sets up rules for use and occupation. The main one being in order to make use of the property you must maintain the property.

I thought of this as a means to undercut rent taking which enables people who don't do anything to live off the work of others. By cutting out this tax that the rich levee on us it also energizes the populace. Rather than working to serve the rent taking of the rich we can apply our efforts to taking care of the world around us.

[-] 1 points by LeoYo (5909) 11 years ago

Cooperative Economics: Replacing a Capitalism in Collapse

Sunday, 02 June 2013 09:40 By Carl Gibson, Occupy.com | Op-Ed


[-] 1 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 11 years ago
[-] 1 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 11 years ago

we need to find the best Aquaponic Design


[-] -1 points by gurando (-9) 11 years ago

You're letting your greed rule you.

These homes should be given to the homeless regardless of their immigration status.

Where is your heart?