Forum Post: What This all means? Carpe Diem
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 10:23 a.m. EST by Fresh2Death13
from Windsor, ON
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I personally dislike having a "ruling class", it doesn't bug me that they fly around in helicopters so they never have to mingle with us on a bus or subway. It doesn't bug me they live in closed and gated communities. No, this does not bug me because it's their lives to live as they please. What does bug me is that they try to enforce upon us their ideology, they think theirs is the only opinion that matters. That we who are too stupid to have clawed and scrapped our way up the financial ladder can't possibly know whats good even for ourselves. For far too long we have let people with catchy slogans and nice suits, sell us the same bullshit that keeps us mired in the status quo. This two party system where people are given only two choices to lead their country is crap. Since when is Democracy a two sided affair? Someone please post and explain to me how it makes sense that only two very old and dated parties could know the pulse of the people. Especially when the very same people who run for office are the children of those who have held office previously. Yes, I am talking about families like the Bushs'. We all know Prescott Bush was charged with treason and that he supported the Nazis, yet his son and grandson was elected to lead the free world... Does this make sense? America and much of the world has been hijacked by a very quiet and secretive "ruling class". Where things are settled and discussed internationally without our knowledge or approval... Is that Democracy? This movement means to me a call to action, political action; direct action, any kind of action its time to DO something about it. America was once a Beacon of Freedom and Hope for the poor and oppressed, now America is a Beacon of the Rich and Powerful.
I must clarify I do not say that Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. are Nazis, I merely imply that the man who had such an impact on both of their lives, that they followed in his every footsteps in politics and secret societies, must have also imparted some of his own beliefs into them as well. The Winners of War write history books and I do not want history to read that this movement died out as quickly as it started if our children are even allowed to learn history under the NWO. I believe that the rich and powerful have always looked for something that defines them from us. They look for some reason beyond luck and circumstance to explain their good fortune. I believe this to be true of most of us. We all look for what defines us and where it used to be our morals and ways of life defining us as people now your job and bank account define you as a person. We together have changed the face of this planet. It was not a singular person who rose from animal hood into the Age of Man, it was together in small communities at first that we rose up from being more than our environment dictated. I see a dark future ahead a future filled with much struggle and austerity. There is hope too in this dark world, hope that we give the world to the next generation better than when we inherited it from ours. I refuse to believe that petty in-fighting, and tribal; and racial hatreds, can hold us back. We are the 99%. We are the writers of our own destinies. We are NOT defined by what we can buy but by what we have to give as human beings. The 1% as people are not bad they live the only life they have ever known in most cases. Others have made themselves and were not given a single thing EVER and that is to be respected. Any and All who stand in the way of change so that corporations can continue to export war and destruction so they can compete for the rebuilding contract are the enemy. We were not given the option of sides in this war, we are the enemy of the rich because the constitution that says we are their equals. The rich are bored with being rich they want power over our lives. Do not let your children fight in wars and die so that rich and the wealthy can live the American dream. This movement is at a crossroads, we can squabble to each other over how long the drummers can drum, or WE can DO something about it. I say go out and confront people over this, I want to see videos of CEO's getting blasted for their ineptitude with OUR money. I want to see Rockefeller sweating his piggy little forehead off under a constant and never ending barrage of outrage at his under handed secretive shaping of society. I will not be lead into the abyss of perpetual debt the 1% would have us believe is the only and best way. America, you have stood up to the greatest powers at the time throughout history. Be it Great Britain under its inbred kings or The Great German war machine. Now it is time America to Stand up to your Greatest threat of all, one that comes from within America. The Oligarchs and elite have worked you to exhaustion and as you fall and die carrying the extra weight of the rich they profit off of you with their "Dead Peasant" insurance claims. Even in Death the ruling elite get the last laugh For more information about what YOU need to Demand
this is just my opinion
throw off your shackles is it not better to die a free man than to live on your knees !!
Interesting perspective Fresh2Death13... would you like to write a full length article about this? Please email me at | #OccupyUnveiled is an independent news source regarding OWS and its affiliates. Neither for nor against OWS, we seek truth where ever it may lead us.
You are correct, but are forgetting that the money and power they got was and is at OUR expense. They treat everyone else as if we owe them and as if hey were better than us. They make you believe it through the media that instills feelings of false freedom and american dream. Shame on us we bought it for so long, hopefully finally masses are awakenning to this and realizing it is a manufactured and well thought trance they are imposing on the country. But once the genie is out of the bottle, there is no way back. We can start with voting non confidence to the whole government and current corporate legislative apparatus. We need to start from scratch, bringing the richest to justice, sentencing them to release all the money they are hoarding through stealing and scheming tactics to take away from all of us. We need a legislation that empowers citizens to destitute and convict elected officials when they dont deliver and dont protect us. We need legislation that empowers citizens to convict corporate sharks and force tbem to return what they stole. And lastly, we need legislation to overhaul corporate policies and bring democracy to the work place, where everybody makes decisions, not just a few on tbe board of directors or CEOs!!!!!! We have a monumental task ahead of us, which may turn bloody, but not by our hands but by theirs when grasping for their last breath in hopes to save the last penny. Money is their blood and thats the only means they understand.
I agree effective change starts with the people and as with most crimes the most monumental task is to break the silence of the victims
Right on.
Wahoo! This is one of the very Best Vents that I have read in a long time. Utah Phillips would be proud of you. Hell, I'm proud of you. Keep Up the Good Work. Fair-ness.
im not worthy of the honor but thank you please help me spread the message
"I believe this to be true of most of us.. we all look for what defines us and where it used to be our morals and ways of life defining us as people now your job and bank account define you as a person."
One thing is are not alone....and at the right time the 99% will move toward a common objective. I don't know what it will be but you can bet that D.C. and Wall Street are right now trying to predict what it might be...It will get interesting....NEVER GIVE UP.
The occupy movements have spread around the World and I support all other movements in any way I can I live in Windsor across from Detroit and I see and hear daily the affects of the policies made by overseas banking consortium's. I pledge any and all support to anyone group or individual who fights for change. I personally choose not to wait until the call to action sounds and the time for the fight is at hand if I can help any in this movement or others I will. This movement needs content writers we need activists we need public speakers we need any and all
I must implore any who reads this to understand a true and very powerful fact that you and me are not too small we cannot change the world all by ourselves. You do have power you do have a say and what you choose to do will impact what happens with us all
NO its far worse! America as a land mass and economic power will fall. its 1%ers the super rich will simply move to another country and continue to plunder us until we are of no more value to them... then we will be simply abandoned and become less than a third world country. The 1 % ers are like drug addicts and alcoholics and need rehab...where are the ghost of Christmas past , present and future when you need them.
The only way to get them is to get their money by bringing them to justice and sentencing them to release the billions they are hoarding..
no I disagree the anonymity they had was their first and last line of defense if people wake up to the situation if towns and cities govern themselves in a true democratic way where the people affected by a situation weigh in on a local level we can stop foreign influence in its tracks WE ARE THE 99% and we are powerful so much so they fear us to the point of trying to enslave us
I agree, but we don't have the time to turn this economic crisis around to prevent the inevitable fall. if real action is not taken today it will be 20 to 50 years before this country sees any type of recovery and even then it will still be marginal turn at best
Wall street is just a symbol... If they happen to find the enemy the will find it is us... We have all bought into the system in some fashion or another, and no matter what is promised, if Wall Street goes, most people will hurt a long time before thing get sorted out in their favor...Part of the problem is how interlocked all the facets of this society's economy, and the world economy are... We may be seeing the beginning of WWIII, because capitalism the world over is supported by credit, and because no one can afford to support themselves on wages alone... Credit is just life support for capitalism... The government should have let the banks die, because it could have been our bank... Instead, they borrow from the rich to support the rich and expect to collect it from the poor who are themselves living on credit.... It is madness... Total insanity, but it will have to fall on its own because no one has the courage to kill it, and then face the backlash from a population fearful of the future without exploitation...
The behind bars for the scumbags must be the length to a very long time and is not that small as you think. We have many jails in this country and they must get in there to pay the profound price. Something which they will never forget and worse than torture. That is the cost. Plenty of our congressmen are number ones to get in there.
I agree. with all you have written, and WW III is a definite possibility - ( to reduce the surplus population- we need to be careful not to fight for the wrong reasons and the wrong people - remember the crusades!). We need an action plan and we need to vote out, through a vote of no confidence all elected officials - now.
I agree, we need a vote of no confidence for the senate and the house, the whole government and future candidates.
Not the bought and paid for by Wall Street President or is he included in 'the whole government?'
All crooks included, of course...
i agree with you. the bush treason thing isn't very well known unfortunately.
Not to support or denigrate Bush, but I don't buy the old, "sins of the fathers" adage. A man or woman lives to their own life, their own standard, and they should be held accountable for just that. We each make our own choices, take our own path, and live with our own consequences.
Yes I agree but Prescott was patriarch of this family his values and what he believes must have been prevalent throughout the home. If he would support the Nazi war machine publicly what would he do in private....
Hmm, in that case, I would say, "This cited action done by Bush. Sr. or Jr. demonstrates an affinity towards Nazi sentiment or behaviors, likely something cultured by Nazi sympathizer and grandfather Prescott" - give a real example, instead of just saying, well, his grandfather was a Nazi, so surely he must be too. That's a very broad assumption, and assumptions can be very damaging, very dangerous, to both the giver, the subject, and all exposed. Practice integrity in your speech, and stick to facts only - people will listen more. We need more fact based, (and less knee jerk reaction or generalization/unconfirmed suspicion based), reporting - it has to start with us. Integrity in all actions, big and small :)
I agree I proceeded under and assumption that people knew of his conviction of treason. I hope people would read what I write and do their own vetting and research I hope to have the spark of an idea be born in one's head as opposed to filled with mine. I must clarify I do not say that bush sr and jr are nazi's I merely imply the man who had such an impact on both their lives that they followed in his footsteps in politics and secret societies must have also imparted some of his beliefs
Thanks :) It's important, as anal as it may seem, to be precise and fact based. We glaze over and twist too much these days. Without integrity in our speech, anything can be made to look true, and many haplessly just accept the first argument they come across, without investigating further. I personally consider it the responsibility of any analytical and capable minded individuals to bear this burden of integrity, much in the same way we have a responsibility to protect and help those in our society born without the ability to do so for themselves (the severely mentally handicapped, for instance).
Edit: No, I am not calling someone who doesn't research for themselves mentally handicapped. But some may be unable, or not know how (it's truly a learned skill to look at something analytically and with reserve, to know how to break something into individual facts and investigate, and it seems to be lacking in many curricula today).
of course but the disregard for the democratic process was practiced by both
both sides republicrats and dempublicans play for the same side they are two side of the same corrupt coin
We're getting played by all sides. :/ It didn't start out that way, but I think that's how it's come around. The only way to really take action and know it isn't actually helping the agenda of some secretly backed group, some hijacking movement, some elite pulling strings, is to take personal action at a local level. First, take responsibility for yourself - keep yourself from being used as a tool. The masses are who keep people in power, by allowing ourselves to be used. I think people can take away a lot of this power on a local level. Consider the "pain points" used to control us, things like food, water, shelter, transportation, communication, information, energy, healthcare... all of these are becoming more and more centralized. This allows power brokers and governing entities to take the reins and control us by withholding or restricting access to these resources unless we comply with their will (often not our own!). Localizing these resources, as much as possible, is a serious strike at the heart of this monster. I'm not talking about communism, capitalism, any isms, any parties - just being personally able, responsible for ones self, and having something as an alternative to mass control mechanisms. Something to fall back on if anyone tries to grab your halter and bit and pull you over a cliff.
Carpe diem, is that fish of the day?
The only action that can work is one that unites Americans and the only action that is constitutional is one that restores the constitution.
Congress is very afraid of an Article 5 convention because IT can lose it power when 3/4 of the states ratify. So we need to take action and put serious pressure on the states to apply for an article 5 and enforce it as they CREATED the constitution. "Congress acted preemptively to propose the amendments instead. At least four amendments (the Seventeenth, Twenty-First, Twenty-Second, and Twenty-Fifth Amendments) have been identified as being proposed by Congress at least partly in response to the threat of an Article V convention."
Our first right in our contract is Article V, the right to have congress convene delgates when 2/3 of the states have applied for an amendatory convention.
Article. V.
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.-------
INFO on article 5. Article V conference, Mark Meckler Lawrence Lessig at harvard 9/25/11-video comments
Lessig power point on article V
Lots of facts here about Article V.
the powers that be have divided and conquered us well many of us identify locally or state wide as either red or blue republicrat or dempublican. While I also agree with every word you write I also see that quicker than we can organize they can use any number of world events to strip congress of what little power they have left
They can try to "use any number of world events to strip congress of what little power they have left" but if 2 more states apply for an article 5 convention, congress must begin to convene delegates. If congress refuses, the citizens go to the military with PROOF of the corruption and infiltration of the chain of command making it unconstitutional and DEMAND that the military intervene and reinstate constitutional government by beginning to convene themselves in defense and support of the constitution.
this sounds like a path we in the OWS movement can legitimately to change the way we are governed I implore you to write an article so I can post the link to mine
Are you asking for an article specific to OWS adopting demand for an article 5 convention as an inclusive solution and method to resolving issues and problems? Like a "where to go from here story?".
yes absolutely many have no idea what to do from here and I can be counted among them if there is legitimate legal recourse that CAN have an impact now we can spread the message and once enough people have heard the message they will know what to demand of their elected officials
Okay, coming right up.