Forum Post: What they should ask the outraged the world.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 9:01 p.m. EST by josephraymond
from Chinandega, Chinandega
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If you're an outraged by social inequality, poverty, corruption, etc.., This is what they should ask their leaders:
1 that most of the riches are not for 1% of the population passing laws anti-social inequality.
2 Let people know that the growth of the population may increase poverty.
3 Let the politicians know that poverty is literally deadly.
4 That the world can eliminate the economic crisis affected countries without compromising the economy of the countries affected.
5 that can be used lie detectors for corruption.
6 that only world revolution can obtain the above objectives.
7 That only fight together against the evil we have a better future.