Forum Post: What people disapprove of:
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 2, 2012, 11:25 p.m. EST by kingscrossection
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Anyone have problems with prostitution, drugs, abortion, or guns?
Do you mean to ask if I would have a problem with people exercising their freewill? Nope..Some things, I wouldn't do myself, but I leave it up to the individual to figure out what is right or wrong or necessary...
Wearing fur?
Not a problem as long as you trapped it yourself..I would think it would depend on circumstance. You may have no other choice but to harm another one of God's creatures to survive.
Yes, and Cannibalism is also okee dokey given the proper circumstance and having no other choice in order to survive. I hear it tastes just like chicken..but doesn't everything?
Snake actually doesn't. I'm on the fence. Fur is warm and leather lined with fur is warm and waterproof when treated properly.
Hopefully we never find we are in this type of situation where you have to do this type of thing..But you never know what you'll have to do, until you have to do it.
Chew off your own arm in order to save yourself? Could happen, and if that can happen, anything is possible..
Again I hope no one would have to be in those types of conditions but you never know, do you?.
I have a problem with a hallucinating prostitute packing heat !
Yup they always happen at the same time all the time. I see your point.
I have a problem with
Ok this is good. I would like an exact reason if you don't mind giving it to me now.
Oh, Oh, I see . . . you want a reason . . .
Just one?
Goodbye to All That: Reflections of a GOP Operative Who Left the Cult
Saturday 3 September 2011 by: Mike Lofgren, Truthout | News Analysis
Upon the Question of Default of Our National Debt
July 6th, 2011
If you have more its good but one at a time would be better. Sounds good can I get another? To look for consistency and get some more information
either of the articles I linked above should have more than enough reasons to keep you busy and thinking from now until . . .
I'll give you the republican party is more corrupt than the democrats but truly is picking the less corrupt better than the alternative? Also, where does the term repelican come from?
you haven't bee around here long, have ya?
Or do you just like my little verse -
It is a term of approbation,
a proof,
derogatory in nature,
intended to shame and to ridicule
those who run for high office
upon a platform of lies before the whole world
and have not the decency to blush bright crimson.
they are reprehensible.
they are repulsive.
they are repellent.
they are repelicans . . . .
Oooh I like it. And yes I have but for some reason I haven't seen that.
What do you mean "problems" with?
Moral qualms, dislike of, anything really
Abortion is a personal matter and not one where anyone else's moral qualms belong. The right to choose is huge.
Prostitution stems from poverty and there are those that are forced into it and there are no safeguards. The vast majority of the women that are prostitutes cannot fight back if they are beaten or raped. So, yes, I have a problem with it-the poverty that drives it.
Drugs are a problem. I do think that it should be decriminalized with small amounts and with the full harm reduction methods used and larger quantities and dealers should be prosecuted...........heavily.
I have a problem with AK-47s on the streets and I have a problem with gun manufacturers.
I also have a problem with people who do not lock their guns up.
Yes to abortion, yes/no to prostitution, no to drugs, yes to rifles, no to manufacturers, and yes to locking up guns.
Are those your personal issues or the lack thereof with the list?
Oh sorry I was trying to open up a debate thread with you if you're interested. They were where my ideas differed from yours.
I am but I didn't understand your last post.
My apologies.
I agree with you on abortion because I think that a body belongs to the person.
Prostitution is in most cases caused by economic situations but there are also people that do it and get rich of it. My dad met one recently that has a 10 year plan to make it to 2 millions dollars. She buys whatever she wants and my dad told me that she is one of the most morally sound people he has ever met. I think the term was call girl but I can't be 100%
Drugs much like the abortion issue I think that when a person wants to do something to their body then they have the right to do so.
I have a slight problem with anyone being able to get their hands on high powered weapons. However, I do think that people have the right to defend themselves with any guns as long as they are reputable citizens
Prostitution can in fact become an incredibly exploitative environment for young women (and in some cases children) who wind up working for the wrong people, and that would need to be addressed. If you could strip away the stigma associated with sex work, keep kids out of it at all costs, and see to it that sex workers have clean, safe (including from pimps, period) environments to work in, then while I wouldn't solicit their services I wouldn't care if others did.
Drugs are equally complex; I have no problem with weed, certain mild amphetamines, and psychedelics (shrooms, LSD, etc.) being legalized because they're fairly safe and/or ubiquitous as it is. Weed is actually less harmful than tobacco; our current bias merely has to do with which plant the Founding Fathers had on their plantations. Mild amphetamines such as caffeine are fairly common as it is, and anyone who's ever had a can of Rockstar or Monster or Red Bull has dealt with slightly more powerful stimulants such as taurine and guarana or milk thistle extract. Shrooms and LSD should be OK as long as you use the stuff with people and not anywhere dangerous (keep that shit inside your house and make sure that you have sober people strong enough to hold you down if necessary).
Using really hard stuff like cocaine, MDMA, heroin, etc. is about as smart as drinking drain cleaner, and I'm not completely sure what to do about that. However, I do feel that addiction should be handled as a treatable medical condition the same way alcoholism and nicotine trouble are, rather than as an excuse to lock someone up. Now if they do something bona fide illegal while on drugs then they ought to face criminal charges and potential prison time for the act in question and/or gross negligence for not taking precautions when you knew that getting high would make you do something really stupid.
Committing a crime while high is still committing a crime because no matter what mental state you were in when you did it you still chose to put yourself in that state without taking appropriate precautions. Driving/operating heavy machinery/etc. while high should be charged as gross negligence, and getting high in front of or leaving drugs around kids should be child abuse.
The decision to terminate a pregnancy is an incredibly difficult one to make, and the only person who I would consider really capable of making that decision is the mother herself. The rule should be that abortions should be available up until the point at which the fetus is viable outside the uterus (because at that point what's done is done), with major emphasis placed on contraception and the understanding that if you're going to terminate a pregnancy then you should do it as early as you possibly can.
As far as guns are concerned, I have no problem with people learning to shoot or hunt, nor with people carrying weapons for self-defense purposes. I just want to make sure that the people we're allowing gins have no incentive to deliberately misuse them and know their way around a firearm. I was thinking about the country implementing something like what MA (not Boston/Cambridge) has, only expedited and cheaper. Go to your local police precinct or sheriff's office, pay a $20-$30 issuance fee, get fingerprinted, get a background check done, and come back in a couple of weeks.
If you're cleared, then take and pass a firearms safety and responsibility practical exam with a police department loaner (or take a free class first if you have no clue what you're doing) and walk out of the class or the test with a dual-carry permit if you pass. If you fail, come back another time and try to pass again until you get there. I do want the test provision because a firearm is just as capable of killing people in the wrong hands as a car, and I don't want idiots treating it like a toy or pointing it all over the place any more than I want idiots trying to do wheelies and swerving all over the place on the highway when the rest of us are trying to get somewhere safely.
mdma is hard stuff? i dont think so!
You seem to have hit that on the head. Because of their occupation I think it would be prevalent to include that women providing sexual services should be checked at least once a weak even if condoms are required.
At that point, what I'd recommend is the permanent installation of free or low-cost overall sexual health clinics with the capability (and the responsibility) to provide screenings and prescribe treatment for HIV and STDs, in addition to providing free or low-cost contraceptives (pills, spermicides, condoms for both genders, and so on) and the option for either prenatal care and counseling or termination for women and teenage girls who walk in pregnant.
I don't think we need to add anything extra but I think it should already be a requirement at hospitals as it is. At least at a basic level.
Nope. I like them all.
What about fur?
Fur...I prefer my prostitutes clean shaven.
Me as well. I like the false sense of cleanliness. I meant wearing fur.
Also wearing fur!
Thanks I guess. Can't do video though.
I have a right to have a gun. I believe abortion is an option in case of rape or being too young but nothing else. I don't approve drugs or prostitution.
Can I ask why?
Abortion is a complicated issue. In case of rape or a girl too young (say 13-17) she isn't mentally ready and it would cause her more harm than good. In case of a woman (18+) it's called taking responsibility. Same goes for prostitution. A responsible adult wouldn't do that. You have to be responsible for your body. Sexual promiscuity is what is spreading AIDS and we need to combat that.
Drugs are harmful to the people. The fact that alcohol and cigarettes are legal doesn't mean we should legalize every other drug. These drugs shouldn't have been legalized in the first place. No one should willingly use anything that impairs their judgement for mere recreation. Also, taking into account that many jobs do drug tests, I would assume it would be better for the population in general to be able to pass this tests.
I have a right provided by the 2nd amendment. I have the right to protect my home and family with a gun if the need were to arise. I have been robbed once and the guy was lucky I didn't have a gun back then. Needless to say, the police never caught him. My brother was alone and sleeping during the time he broke in. Had he woken up, he would have found a stranger with who knows what intentions in the house.
I agree with the fact that no one should willingly put drugs into their systems but they own their bodies and the right to their bodies in a way that you or I can't and shouldn't be. As for abortion I think it is any women't right to say that she isn't ready for a baby at anytime in her life. And I agree with you on the last part.
A lot of the homeless and poverty in our neighborhoods is drug and alcohol induced. and a lot of these people end up incarcerated. It's a path best not taking. The health effects are long lasting from abusive substances. some mild some harsh .. one question not answered is the affects on offspring from users.. there sure is a high rate of all sorts of illnesses in children.
DId anyone make them drink or do the drugs? If not then I see no problem. As to the side effects on offspring there are already side effects in children of people that do them illegally. In my opinion there should be restrictions on adults that want to have children but otherwise people need to not be involved in other's affairs.
Some people are "naturally addicted". People can use alchol and not be affected by it whereas others can do the same and the go off the deep end.
It has to do with the "chemical make-up" of an individual. Some people can use heroin and others can't without it affecting how they act afterwards.
Yes I know that. Does that change anything? What are you implying?
It does because people who are addicted usually don't take responsibility for their actions. They have caused families to split, families to go into bankrupcy and eventually they "die".
They can be treated only if they want to be treated otherwise they lie, cheat and decieve.
Well if there was no law against drugs then there would have to be a law that says that anything anyone does under the influence of a drug is their responsibility because no one forces them to do so and they put themselves in dangerous positions
I think our culture has a strong influence on some people without them realizing the full consequences to their actions .. and as a society we all suffer when one suffers do we not..?
I'll be honest. I don't care about people who deliberately puts themselves in that position
I don't think it matters much. Obviously what supposedly happened 2000 years ago with Jesus impacted how people live now but would you deny that people have free will?
would you deny that a lot of people have ruined their own lives and deeply regret it? explain why with their free will they would do such a thing ..
Because they are depressed because they have problems caused by others around them. Are you suggesting it is always someone else's fault? Because if you are then you sir are one of our problems.
lets hear one good reason why someone would deliberately ruin their own life ... ? I for the life of me can not come up with a single reason ... and yet countless do .. and countless more promote it .. the madness is bountiful
Any reason they should not? Oh wait good will for people that are willing to do them. There is no reason to do drugs or drink when you have problems and still people do. Often times it only makes bad situations worse and still people drink and do drugs. GIve me a reason they should. Then give me a reason they shouldn't be allowed to do what they want.
Any reason they should not ? this your response to why would someone deliberately ruin their own life !
I must be talking to a baffling yo yo ..obviously you are a dope head .. keep smokin boy .. soon you will be at the bottom with all your buddies .. and the world will truly look sky high as it glides right over you miles away..
Yes actually it is. Just because you can't read and interpret doesn't mean I'm incorrect. They shouldn't because its bad for their body. I recognize that but like I said, it is their body not yours or the governments. Never took a puff myself but I don't see the point to constrain anyone from exercising what they want over their body.
who mentioned constraints ? your post asks a simple question based on opinion .. I offered mine.
Yes and I argued it
you did not really argue my point .. at all . I am not sure what you were arguing?
All I was saying is that people have the right to their bodies because they own their body and nobody else has that right. People do ruin their lives but no one forces the drugs on other people.
have you ever been to detroit? that is one of the worst examples of a city over run by drug abuse.. and when you go down the streets there is garbage and neglect everywhere .. it has effected the whole city .. I guess it wasn't forced on any one .. but its the outcome of the use that concerns me not whether it be forced or not .. in fact to take such destruction into ones life voluntarily is even harder to explain than if it were forced ..?
Don't have a problem with guns, abortions and prostitutions. Drugs on the other hand - it depends.
If a person wants to have the freedom to have any drug they wish then they need to be confined when doing them. Once their "hallucination event" is over they can go back to wherever they came from. Just keep them away from society while they are using.
I agree with you. Although I think that during and also after they should keep away from people. Take for instance alcohol. You may drink and drive home just fine but when and if you have a hangover you are still impaired and should not be driving. I'm not 100% on other drugs but it would make sense how at least some have longer lasting effects.