Forum Post: What occupy needs to push for and make clear
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 8:59 a.m. EST by Jeshurun
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
.personaly it seems to me in the US (EIRE and many other nations) that there's a tripartate alliance and intertwinement of interests between corporations. politicians AND the judiciary one of the driving factors behind many corporate laws is the fact that a large number of supreme and high court judges are actualy shareholders in many corporations along with many senators, govenors etc there needs to be a circumcision between all three to prevent any Judge or senator from being shareholder on any company or corporation etc ...just as there needed to be a seperation of church and state in the 1700's followed by a seperation of congress and the judiciary there now needs to be a full and complete seperation of buisness state judiciary and private interests intertwining the three... followed by a removal of currency production from the hands of private banking. The big threat to governments from big buisness is that they'll bugger off elswhere - so I guess we'll either have to call their bluff or get other governments to ally over laws and standards to curb the greed. Unless this is takled fully in the US then the continued usurption of US soveriegnty by big buisness and privaate banking will continue unfettered to beyond the utter collapse of civilisation untill 99% of the population are below the complete poverty line and we become 'walmarts production line and swett shops' for wallmart in China.
Suggested viewing for the day... The Corporation (the Canadian Documentary ... )