Forum Post: what occupy atlanta needs to make it to the mid winter offence
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 1:21 a.m. EST by spacemans
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for the southern white man to continue his support of occupy atlanta and show his sollidarity with unnamed civil rights leaders there needs to be two encampment one on or near the martin luther king center and supported by unnamed civil rights leaders and one not at the MLK center the one not at the MLK center if the whole occupy atlanta is a good old boy show then the good old boys have command of the other occupy encampment and the unnamed civil rights leaders can have his thing going at the MLK center
anti-racism is one of the few things that this movement agrees on . but they've taken so far as to support illegal immigration which i see as a neoliberal attack on working class people. i've never met an unskilled black worker who puts his economic interest above his anti-racist ideology.although it's actually about nationalism and labor . the racism argument is a straw man.
and in austrailia and quantis airlines and figure what we have to offer quantis airlines to get the austrailian goverment to be a marxist goverment with north america , london , and main land china and the nation of islam and all the angry strange black folk who probibly arn't such bad people if you can speak there language in north america and those poor oppressed aboriginal peoples
think about what smuckers jam and jellys have to win if we win
If the MLK center has a warm and safe place for the people to stay at who don't go home to reequip and we agreed at committee for two encampments then why doesn't some friendly socialist factory board of directors like arm and hammer smuckers jams and jellys or foldgers coffie provide in various citys a Warm and safe place to picket
if the MLK center and unnamed civil rights leaders can provide a safe warms space for the peoples army then why can't arm and hammer or smuckers or foldgers coffie got a safe and warm space for some people and there army
you know people from many different nations just one big red army even the US goverment and the north american police is the red army also
then we had solidarity between the whites , blacks , police , and goverment
if thats red neck enough for you or not too much liberial for you
and some of the revolutionarys can go home repair re equip and be ready for the mid winter offenese you know communists like to re equipe in winter and this whole revolution is not a homeless issue its a marxist red army issue