Forum Post: What next? Where from here?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 1:58 p.m. EST by whathappenedtoamerica
from Wallingford Center, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Afternoon everyone,
First of all I wanted to say that I support the OWS movement and its sprawl to new areas of the world every day. I personally attended the New Haven CT occupy this past weekend and was suprised at the turn out. It was also nice to see that there were New Haven PD officers all around and throughout the park. I believe that adds legitimacy to these turnouts.
Not in ways that indicate anyone would get unruly, but rather that the towns are putting resources in place to guide traffic, make sure people are safe, and ultimately to protect the protesters.
One thing that I didn't like was that the second I walked into the park where occupants had gathered, there was a group of "hippied out" looking youngsters sitting on the ground playing bongos and tambourines. They wore tiedye shirts and looked like they weren't even there for any other reason than to groove out and play music. A grown man dressed in a full body carrot suit, (yes a carrot) danced around behind them. Wtf?
These people, who I wholeheartedly respect outside of the context of these demonstrations, are deluding the OWS message and overall impact.
So onto my real question now: What next?
I feel for some odd reason that the movement is losing steam. I can't put a finger on why, but it's how I feel. Are there any more big events, marches, occupations, planned for the near future?
This organization and movement needs to one up itself every time. The world is watching...waiting...
Stay strong.