Forum Post: What Next? Let's make a country-wide TO DO list!
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 9, 2011, 10:52 p.m. EST by AlbanUlqini
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
As a supporter of the OWS idea I am very sad to be under the impression that OWS is "loosing steam" or maybe to be more precise that the "steam" is not focused. My suggestion is to define, let's say, 50 main goals of OWS. Once we have that list, put it up for voting (online or any other massive, fraud and influence free, form of voting) and bring the list of goals to 5 with the first one being the one with most votes. Once we have that list which is accepted by the largest part of the movement then focus on achieving these goals ONE by ONE. And this ONE by ONE is very important because it is a focused effort. Once the GOAL 1 is accomplished move to GOAL 2. We are creating a widely accepted road map for OWS. I strongly believe that by doing this we will be able to gain a country-wide support for all that OWS is trying to accomplish. I am convinced that whatever that GOAL 1 may be, it'll be one that most Americans support. Here is my first suggestion: Money out of the political system (donations only by individuals or public funding)
Senate Passed Bill to Let Military Detain Americans Indefinitely.
Article 1: Senate Votes To Let Military Detain Americans Indefinitely Read More:
Article 2: Indefinite Detention of American Citizens Read More:
1st cut the dragons head off by fighting against lobbying. This will take the corruption out of congress and other elected officials. With no more money flowing into their pockets from lobbyists they would have to do honest work to survive. This will also deal a huge blow to the banks and other lenders like Sallie Mae who has ravaged innocent students into a life of slavery.
Multiple requests being yelled at once will give them the tools to dismantle us. 1 simple request at a time will catch them by surprise and will win. Cut the dragons head off 1st!!!
Could you imagine the sound of thousands of people saying the same thing? Powerful stuff. We must think of this like a non violent military operation if we want to get things done. All together yell .. OUTLAW LOBBYING OUTLAW LOBBYING!! they will eventually have to listen to a simple yet so powerful movement.
One of the great achievements of humankind was "Separation of Religion and State"!
It is on us to achieve the "Separation of Money and Politics"!
Here's a list:
The Ninety-Nine Percent Declaration
second proposed petition:
Sanders Proposed Constitutional Amendment:
Sanders Petition here:
Rep. Deutch's amendment discussed here:
and you can read repelican reaction here.
and then of course there is the whole issue of Wall Street Corruption and Global Warming.
Reinstate Glass-Steagal.
No special treatment of one American over another. For example, if subsidies are given to an agribusiness to not grow a particular crop, the same subsidy must be given to all Americans who do not grow that crop (e.g. if Mark Rockefeller is given loads of tax dollars for not growing corn, so should I since I don't grow corn either). Maybe look into the wisdom of giving farm subsidies (taxpayer dollars) to people like Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi, Ted Turner, etc.
Term limits. Congresscreatures sell their souls for reelection; let's remove that temptation. Return to a citizen legislature rather than a professional ruling class.
Declaration of war (or at least a show of hands of everyone in the Senate/House) before attacking another country.
Recipe for success - keep it simple and get 1 million people (peacefully) on the streets! You'll see how things change.
The Revolution starts here!
This sounds like a distraction from the real problem in the US don't you think? How are you going to make a radical change in any foreign issue if you can't even tackle the real issues here? Is fighting toshiba really going to help all the protesters with no jobs here? Is that going to make their hopelessness about their life here better? If you really care about this movement then keep your fellow brothers and sisters eyes focused on the ball. Life here in the USA!!! yes there are many issues affecting the world but, do you think this protest can fix the whole world? Isn't that a little delusional? Why not keep focused on the creeps here that are sending police to mace us during peaceful protests? Unless your a corrupter from the other side this really does not make any sense and your feeding off the good hearts of many people who are protesting.
This foreign company has come to the U.S. to ripe off Americans. The way the capitial system works is that you destroy bad companies by creating good companies. If we protest Toshiba and we state we are protesting them because they commit warranty fraud, they sell U.S. military secrets, and they build poor nuclear reactors, we have a winner. Besides, Toshiba is sexist.
Getting rid of this company would do the OWS, the US, and the world a world of good!
Ninety-Nine Percent Declaration is not realistic! There should be one GOAL with massive response and peaceful protests by general public. And that's how you get things moving. 99%Declaration is too complicated for ordinary people and would never gain a popular support. Tap into peoples frustration, define 1 Goal and go for it. That's the way to change things.
1) We are stupid to believe one change will fix anything
This majoritarian message co-opts everyone with VAST grievances, pushes them all to the back of the list, and exonerates everyone from paying attention to the margins. There might be a common cause, but there are innumerable symptoms which we all should find solidarity with if we are to agree about one. This chemotherapy treatment for cancer is what I oppose. Look at the side-effects. Work, thouugh it's not easy, to find a holistic response.
1) Disband. 2) Apologize to the 100%.