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Forum Post: What is the reality behind "Small Government"

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 2:04 a.m. EST by abmebratu (349) from Washington, DC
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While the term Small Government has appeal to libertarians and conservatives alike, in reality this term is very much deceiving. In modern American political discourse what it meant by small government is the cutting of government programs that offer public good, such as public schools, libraries, public housing, and other programs to help poo struggling families and middle class families. The flip side of this coins is of course increased tax dollars to corporate welfare. you cut the budget at the bottom and praise yourself for the 'honorary duty of creating small government", while on the other hand, all you're doing is taking this money and offering it to supper rich corporations in the form of corporate welfare. However in this process government has not gotten small, instead it has gotten bigger and for different reasons. Therefore "Small Government" as understood by politicians today is just an Orwellian term to increase the size of government. Essentially it's just a trick to get conservatives and libertarians to support it. Of course this time it's done for the benefit of the rich...So next time you here a politician bullshit about the merits of small government remember he or she is really interested in increasing government for the benefit of the rich, while decreasing the role of government for the poor and middle class. So while your local school is rotting away Citi Bank is getting billions of dollars of government funding. While you can't get anyone to subsidize your college education all because of "small government". some fortune 500 company is getting government subsidy. This is largely how our economy works. Free markets and tough love for me and you. Subsidy and no risk for rich corporations.



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[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

Total BS. Small government, as created by the founders, kept the power inthe hands of people. Local control and accountability by public servants. There is NO corporate socialism doled out by crooks in Washington in that model. Anything the People decide to do on the state and local level is up to them.

[-] 1 points by abmebratu (349) from Washington, DC 13 years ago