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Forum Post: What is the point of prostrating yourself at the feet of the Bankers?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 2:57 a.m. EST by PCMcGee (1)
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Seriously, what is the point of occupying the major capitals of the world, and then asking the 1% to treat you better? Do you seriously think, that those benefitting the most from the social system, that puts the majority of the Earth's inhabitants, (not to mention all it's resources), under their control, will somehow be the ones to find their humanity and set you free? You are severly deluded if you are still looking to old leadership and old social constructs to solve the problems that these institutions survive upon. All approaches ever tried have one common flaw; they are built under the current economic model, and can only be implemented if they perpetuate the current control system. You cannot "purchase" your solution, because it CANNOT be purchased from the old economic model, it is the antithesis of it. The only system that can set man free, is one which holds his freedom as the core motivator of it's actions. Business' set goal is to extract profit from all available resources, regardless of future consequence. An obviously superior appraoch, is to build an institution whose sole purpose is to conserve the ecology, while producing the things people require, to live a satisfying and unfettered existence. What do people need? Access to clean air and water, healthy food, adequate shelter, health care, open knowledge, and love. Applying a value to these items, means that we must compete with each other for them, and business will always pursue monolpoly, then scarcity, to induce more profit from providing them. If you must compete for these things to survive, then you are a slave to those that provide them. We have the technical capabilities to provide for these needs (at a minimum) for all the people on Earth, this is indisputable. The resources of the Earth also belong to the people that live on the Earth, not to one man or any group of men. Therefore, we should not settle for any solution that does not provide for the most benefit for all, as efficiently as feaseble, while preserving the Earth for future generations. Freedom is not a fantasy, and with empathy and knowledge, it is an accomplishable goal by our society. The rest of the world seems to be able to recognize how inherently flawed the competetive market is to the workings of an empathetic civilization. Americans though, are still stuck chasing demons in the Federal Reserve, Politics and the NWO, TPTB, and Lucifer himself. All humanity needs to wake up, to the reality of how our economic system is enslaving us, and providing incentive for us to abuse the rest of humanity, as a systemic normality. To the occupiers, I say: Stop taking handouts, stop taking money, stop turning the broken wheels of this devastating social system, work together to produce what you need, and help each other, because that is what we do best.



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