Forum Post: what is the point?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 11:42 a.m. EST by sorenparis
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
First of all, Thank You! Thank you to all of you putting your "bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus". I have been watching the corporate take-over of our government for years and finally the people are waking up!
There is a lot of momentum here, but how do we translate this into meaningful change? I think its right that the movement is rejecting partisan politics. It's good to be open and accepting toward a diversity of voices. But what are we going to do about the state of our country? There are a multitude of complaints, because we have pervasive systemic failures. I mean "failure" in this way: A government that fails to serve the needs of the people, nurtures its own overthrow.
Bernie Sanders has a great plan to address the bank/financial sector problem. It's a reasonable plan that should appeal to both political parties. However, that only addresses one part of the problem? What about the corruption? what about the dismantling of the EPA? What about the loopholes and tax havens? What about Citizen's United? What about the rampant misinformation and sensationalism of our media? What about our culture of materialism? And can Bernie's plan become law without it becoming watered down?
It's overwhelming to say the least? Its no wonder protesters are stumped when someone asks them the seemingly simple question of "why are you here?" (to which the only real response is: haven't you seen what's happened to the country?)
Sure, the financial crisis and the irresponsible greed of the big banks and the poor management of the bailout are legitimate reasons to be angry, but I'm afraid by focusing too much on this, we lose an opportunity for real change.
so, what's it all about to me? the people! the people are standing up. The people are finding their voice. The people are re-asserting their rights as owners of this government, of this country. This is our land! No one else will take care of it for you.
IMO... We need take back control of our democracy. End the influence of corporate money on the election cycle. Outlaw lobbying in its current form. (We don't need lobbyist anymore, we have the internet.) overturn citizen's united. institute run-off elections (ie anti-trust law for the political landscape) AND finally, never stop protesting injustice. we can't afford to fall asleep again.
If we can get this fixed, then I think we have a real chance to address ALL the problems we are angry about.