Forum Post: What is the most optimistic result of this Occupation?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 3, 2011, 8:40 p.m. EST by thewombus
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Let's say the President, both chambers of Congress, and various state and local officials hear your calls and say yes we agree with you. You have all of them as an audience for 10 minutes to instruct what to change. What are your responses? What are specific demands? Would help get a better focus and consistent central goal. Seriously, think about it, you have the people's attention you are trying to get, what do you say?
It's hard to have optimism because the people with the real power don't really care that they are raping and pillaging most of the American people. I'll give it a shot and answer the question anyway.
think of all the good this could do, the politicians can only make so much money, can only take so many bribes then they start to work for the people because there's no incentive to only think of the rich
there's also the economic impact the top 3% can only make so much, that means the rest has to go to more jobs higher salaries better healthcare cheaper products to compete overseas
they wouldn't mind spending more money on environmentally conscience ways of doing things
what it breaks down to is more money in the peoples hands=a better world for everyone
Check the link after the edit mark on this page for a working list of goals
Stupid , this won't be the result, you got all these "smart' experts here with their "complicated advice" its real simple stupid americans, STOP BUYING and when christmas comes give up your little fairy tales, your gods, religions and bullshit beliefs, until this goes to the way side ain't nothing going to change, this is bullshit here no one speaks truth, truth is YOU are part of the problem, do you watch FOOTBALL, BASEBALL, BASKETBALL, DOES YOUR WIFE DAUGHTERS POP CULTURE AND FOLLOW TRENDS, MEDIA, BUY MAKE-UP, DO YOU WATCH TELEVISION WITH ALL THOSE SPONSORS? If you do , YOU ARE THE PROBLEM FAT ASS AMERICA, Do you watch their pathetic Holllywood moives, but Nike Tennis shoes, do you think your buying american cause you own a Harley and the list could go on and on, YOUY ARE THE PROBLEM AMERICA you and your Walmart FAT FUCKING STUPID BEER DRINKING ASSES
I propose this as an idea/focus:
Warp Drive in 9 Years...? You want a run down of Future Histories?
possible world A and most trending possible futures, the energy and mass transit system fails in about 7 or 8 years, and everyone on your planet dies.
Possible world B; everyone who reads this make a committment to change, we form open source direct democracy think tanks on 1001 sub forums and a wiki, and then mass intelligence comes into focus with a 300 IQ.
sorry, i do know exactly what feudalism is. You trying to talk about its main features and then say that other features of feudalism are not the feudalism is silly. The dominant or single most relevant point is land ownership, certainly, but there are other features of feudalism, one of which is most certainly taxes, and to the point, by definition taxation as such begins in feudal systems. It is remarkably futile and silly to argue with me. It would be wiser to stop and take your opportunity to chat with the DJIN. capitalism is ALSO a system which has NEVER existed.
the core issues; 1. Corporate Personhood. 2. Caste Warfare; they started it. 3. Its legal to lie to the USA public. 4. They are OUR airwaves. They should be used for WETHEPEOPLE not leased by the government to corporations. Put Local colleges in charge of all the media. Arrest and seize all mass media devices and then give those devices straight out to the local colleges, including the land they sit on. We need education public media; not legalized lying and propaganda wars against the people. 5. Education reform. Everyones being kept stupid and ignorant on purpose in school and repugnicons want to argue about how to pay or punish teachers. We need child centered education reform, not a con scam to privatize education and thus score all our children for corporate zombotification. 6. Free market system. Not slave market system. Not caste market system. Not Caste warfare market system. Not rigged Casino. Not making something off of nothing and making bubbles to grease a gravy train either. Free market system. We must have one of those. Its time to have one of those. We have NEVER YET had one of those. 7. Realistic regulation of the government to regulate and control corporations so that what they do is fair and just and ethical and under control instead of a parade of unleashed godzillas turning the masses into to toe jam. 8. Real and direct representation, including no more lobbying, and including an evolutionary use of the internet with organized forums and wikis replacing the old style of congressional/ mayoral office.
"Right, but that still doesn't preclude taxation, which is in fact necessary to regulate the value of money"
nope. taxation period of any kind is merely and only a means to the end of creating a caste system. And even deeper, taxation dynamically entropizes a system, so its not only not necessary to regulate money, its the single largest entropic contributor to the system. The ONLY reason why we pay taxes is thats the feudal system; the idea that we pay anything remotely approaching the same thing or fair to what the rich pay is preposterous. The whole point of taxes is to distribute wealth from the poor to the rich. period.
gawdoftruth (Santa Barbara, CA) 1 points 0 seconds ago
"the end goal product should be that every small community takes care of its own. Any federal system is a problem definition of something requiring more serious attention to solve. long term social programs managed by nation sized meta entities is a disaster not only socially and civilly but to the people who get third rate borg social services. A well functioning system does not need a welfare system, it only has a highly evolved net which catches people and only involves less than one percent of the population at any given time, not punishing but rehabing and educating folks. Until such time as that end goal is achieved, no hand outs is a paradox... you have to spend time and thus money in order to fix the problems till their fixed past needing time or money."
"Why aren't u in office???"
aspergers syndrome. you want to run,? i can ghost write your platform? :)
"Understood we need more ideas then politicians anyway. The fixes are so simple but so difficult to get implemented."
↧ gawdoftruth (Santa Barbara, CA) 1 points 0 seconds ago
i'm running for chief of staff. bit early to announce yet since i have no clue whos running on my ticket for president? i created this forum org structure. but scott keller turned out to be an idiot.
Nationalize the fed. Arrest all who worked for it and/or took paychecks from it (MSNBC, CNN, Fox, Democrats, Republicans, All Presidents for the last 100 years) under the trading with the enemy act.
"All Presidents for the last 100 years"
Damn, we barely missed Teddy Roosevelt.
JFK was shot for issuing executive order 11110. Look into it. The rest were/are puppets including Obama, who is third generation CIA. See Wayne Madsen interview by Pastor Manning
Interesting.. thanks.
I never knew Bradley Manning was a Pastor!