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Forum Post: What is the focus?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 11:23 a.m. EST by divadives (6)
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I think it is important to remember the focus is WALL STREET not OCCUPYING Zuccotti Park. Why are you not assembling/marching right down there in their faces making them uncomfortable. I've seen blacks destroy their own neighborhoods when angry with their government and/or whites. This is self-defeating. Marching and occupying are two different things. Why is the focus on occupation in an offsite park.



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[-] 1 points by HeavySigh (227) 13 years ago

Why are you protesting wall street? It's a place where trade is done. Protest DC. Misguided and dismembered this movement is.

[-] 1 points by divadives (6) 13 years ago

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATM_usage_fees Check out this website. Imagine if everyone refused to use ATM machines for one day per week. How much money do you think the banks will lose? My friend whose family was very much a part of the change in Egypt and lives here in NYC closed his bank account; both him and his wife. Refuses to allow banks $1 of his money. We Americans dislike discomfort so we don't go that far. But imagine just one day a week, boycotting Bank ATM machines ... that would be magnificent. This boycott could be done throughout the world. Millions of dollars the banks would lose from the poorest people. And that is just the beginning. What a statement.