Forum Post: What Is the Demand?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:23 p.m. EST by StephenWeber
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What would be a demand? Every country in the world has the same demand for it's peoples. But America is one of the few countries that can just provide it to their citizens.
(1) If every man woman and child was guaranteed a minimum sustainance amount of food, everyday of their life,
(2) A minimum amount of healthcare including dental,
(3) A minimum structural safe housing setup.
Everything else is a luxury and should be gained by working for these luxuries.
It also might behoove America to add free education for those that can stand at the top levels of their school class.
All of this is simple. It is morally right. Our criminals are guaranteed these rights. If these fears about pain and hunger are removed from all the people, if finding work never fell down to surviving, life would be moral again.
Ask yourself. What part of my life do I want to improve. What exactly will be enough for everyone to stop marching and "Occupying"? What exactly will people Demand. A demand is eventually needed, or all these people will eventually just stop and disburse and live for the rest of their lives with a broken heart.
This is clearly financially possible.( And lets not even start to believe that minimum food means cake and steak and potato chips.).
If not this then what Demand is enough?