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Forum Post: What is the Biggest Issue at Stake?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 1:41 a.m. EST by UPonLocal (309)
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[-] 1 points by Artgurrl (2) 13 years ago

Corporate and Wall Street ownership of our government and economic system. Demanding justice would be a good start. But we need a reinstatement of Glass Steagall act for starters. And, we need to demand that we have an amendment passed that gets corporate and lobbyist money out of the political system and out of elections. It is the only way we are going to increase economic equality and begin to save the planet. After that, shrink the military industrial complex and make higher education free for all who want it and earn it. Thomas Jefferson actually wanted to make higher education free for all who want it in this country. This alone would make this country have a far more equal playing field than we have now.

[-] 1 points by nuclearradio (227) 13 years ago

Corruption in the Government. Penetration of the Government by Corporate interests.

[-] 1 points by globengo (19) 13 years ago

pls send one ngo male-female couple to india in bombay at my home dr kamran khan cell 00919890414448 to boost this public cause from india i shall bear their all expenses in india and will provide them all facilities and security etc

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

The biggest issue is trust in the government and how it is being eroded from the inside and out.

There are always problems in government as it is run by humans, and it is clear America has gone from being Republic to an Ogliarchy. Because big business and politics are not separated in US, big businesses have taken control.

To further complicated matters, an outside attack is being raged on the government by proponents of conspiracy theories all too easy to spread using the Internet. To sell books, movies, and make big money, pseudo-scientifics feed the young and uneducated with nonsensical explanations as to why the government has failed. Because people are already mad with the government, they eat it up like pudding.

OWS protesters and supporters are unable to see that the victim is the governmental structure which has fallen due to the two problems underlined above, and of course, when the governmental structure fails, the people become victims as well. Because they do not understand this, they want to start from scratch and implement a completely new governmental structure that has yet to be tested in practice. A structure called direct democracy that, if implemented, will surely suffer from problems at one point or another just like all systems eventually do.

2,500 years ago, Plato wrote the Republic in which he clearly explains the problems faced by a Republic. His vision was clear when he explained how all Republics tend to become Ogliarchies if left unchecked, and, as a result, Athenians implemented various check systems in their own Republic.

The first part of the solution is not to abandon the government. A Republic is the best system we know, it simply needs to be kept in check and kept transparent by passing various well planned laws. This would enable US citizens to regain trust in their government, a trust that is needed for the well functioning of any society. Indeed, a society cannot function if its people cannot trust the government.

The second part is to eradicate the mind cancer propagated by conspiracy theories. These false claims are not the proper method to keep the government in check as they only confuse matters even more. Governments should be kept in check by critical thinkers who write well researched critical articles of the government, and the type of laws stated above designed to separate business from government.