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Forum Post: What is our demand: We the people are we the money!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 11:44 p.m. EST by RazvanMihaianu (0)
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This is my first and last post on O.W.S. If other will follow under this nickname, they are not mine.

Because this movement still doesn't have a clear inspiring demand/idea/"punchline" able to change the world for future generations, I've decided to give you one: We The People Are We The Money! It's based on two symbiotic ideas like the two faces of the same coin, one without the other can't exist:

(1) -the creation of only one global currency (no connection with N.W.O.) with an absolute value of people, when a citizen reaches the age of 18 years, the state will mint/print 1 Million monetary units.

(2) -the total eradication/extermination of private banks, being replaced only by 100% state owned banks.


(1) -The money exists only because the human civilisation exists. Is a tool, a contract, a law. It must have an absolute, not a relative value. For eons we've tried to find an absolute value of currencies, but we've failed: sea shells, beads, iron, gold, silver, platinum, jade, legal tender, inflation...all in vain. But the answer was always in front of us: since we've created the money, We the people are we the money. Only products/goods and services should have relative values of money, based on healty capitalistic free market economy, supply and demand, liberalisation prices. Not the money itself! Hence the inevitable conclusion: all the money in the world, no matter what state/country is minting/printing them, must have the same value: the people! The only way to do it, mainly because unlike our feudal ancestors, we finally have the technology to count the people, is this simple rule: each state will print/mint 1 000 000 "monetary units" every time when a citizen of that state reaches the age age of adulthood, the voting age, 18 years. If there are cases with double citizenship, only the state with the first given citizenship will print 1 million. 1 person=1 vote=1 million cash in circulation! Advantages: a-Some of you might think that big countries like China, India, or U.S.A. or Russia, and so on are "stealing the start". Wrong. 1 billion citizens doesn't means 1 billion wars won but ...1 billion problems. Look at the Standard&Poor's ratings, none of these countries has a triple A these days! b-The extermination of exchange rates/house all over the world! Imagine how many speculators, how many leaches/parasites will be forced to find real businesses and jobs! c-no more "let's roll the printing printing press" and devalue the currency with the purpose to maintain the Ponzi scheme as long as possible.

(2) -The eradication of private banksters and total replacing with state bank systems. For some this sounds like a "socialist/communist" system. It's not. I am a romanian, I've lived in Romania during communism and I know how destructing this ideology is for one simple reason: communism is an abomination of evolution because is faking/simulating the competition, the real tool of survivability. "We pretend to work, they pretend to pay us"... If the money is at the base just a tool for trade, a contract, a handshake, a law, then it should be treated as such. We do not allow private people/corporations to vote the laws, this is the attribution of the democratic state/institution, hence we will not allow private corporations/banks to borrow us the money! The only money "changer"/borrower/loaner should be the state bank, because...we the people are we the money! A national state should have one commercial bank, but a federative country like U.S.A. or Germany should have one bank for each state. Advantages: a-same as "c" from idea # 1; b-the states will have an extra and constant "income", this way the taxes could be lowered to the extreme, hence more money for the people; c-if the state is a stupid manager, then these state banks could be managed by private firms, the state could even tax their small profits while keeeping the main procentual profits for itself.

There you go. Let's keep our normal evolutory capitalist system of supply and demand, free trade but also let's replace the banksters with 100% own state banks. and remember, if the two ideas aren't applied together, their original revolutionary purpose could be altered for disgusting globalist corporatist purposes. After all, any revolution carries the seeds of its own destruction spawning right in the moment when the revolution reaches its purpose. We had a Wall Street money crisis created by banks in '29, now we have another. Maybe third time is gonna be too much, so if you want the change now, if you really want to take the bull by the horns, there it is: We The People Are We The Money!



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