Forum Post: What Is Occupy Wallstreet Really?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 3:51 p.m. EST by Spillingit
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Occupywallstreet is just one way for the fortunate to divide and conq_ then they will have strength in numbers!
It's really about smoking weed, eating free donated food, and trying to pick up chicks.
That's about it.
This is exactly what wallstreet executives do all the time and we want to change it. :)
You have something against smoking weed and picking up chicks?
Besides.... When it's time for the young chicks at the protest to get married down the road, they will not be looking to marry a fellow Marxist protester. Protesting doesn't pay well and cannot buy a nice house and car.
In a few years, those young chicks at the protests will be looking to marry Investment Bankers and Stockbrokers. You know.... guys who actually CAN provide nice houses, nice cars and nice clothes.
Speaking from experience it is not all what it seems___the shallow usually and narrow minded usually need a big dowery to get there!
A dowry? Where do you live in India.
Believe me... from experience.... Women may think it's cool to be a protester when they are college age. At 30 they want what all their friends from school have.... a nice house.... a nice car..... nice clothes... money to go to nice restaurants.
It's called growing up. There absolutely NOTHING wrong with wanting the good things in life and achieving them.
No not India on the East Coast and a woman And that is not a proven fact or study it is a stereo-type handed down from generations_ it is interesting to find out how others think!
Dowrys were never an American custom. They are still common in many Asian countries like India. It is not a stereotype. It is real life.
The stereo-type is the way of thinking that all women want the same_ you know What it is I mean???
Not all women want the same. But there does come a time in all women's lives where the angry slacker protester type is no longer attractive.
Sad but true_ lol
Fortunately not everybody thinks like you. You have a very superficial view of life. God bless!
Mis-directed thinking___lol
The idea is to get the "little guy" really upset over the inequities between Wall Street and main street. The more angry people are with Wall Street, essentially a transactional business of intermediaries, the less they will notice the "men behind the curtain" pulling the levers of power.
This suits the great central banking families of the City of London that want to INCREASE regulation and laws because the more laws there are, the more control they have ... given that they THEY control the governments behind the scenes. Mercantilism is the method, and if Money Power can get people really worked up, they can pass more laws and gain even more control over societies and their economies.
I agree! The men behind the curtain are the fortunate!
Don't you mean unfortunate?
The FORTUNATE are mass dividers_ one thought or quote to get mass responses!